Everyone is railing against progressive activist judges who are blocking the Trump administration’s policies. They issued 15 injunctions in just eight weeks — at least 46 federal court decisions since Donald Trump took office again. But what most people don’t realize is that it is far worse than we think. This is not just a feud among politicians. This is an outright power grab from the judicial branch, trampling over the executive branch. It’s a different type of fascism, that people don’t recognize as fascism since we’re used to seeing it as one leader of the executive branch controlling everything. Instead, this is a large handful of judges controlling much of the country, thwarting the president from accomplishing his agenda.
The judges use Orwellian doublespeak to get away with it, which is parroted over and over again in the MSM. They state that they are “upholding the rule of law,” when the reality is they are destroying it. They find bogus technical reasons to rule against Trump. This is no longer judging, because they’re not applying the law correctly. It’s ignoring and distorting the law.
People don’t want to admit this is what is happening, because it means the whole fabric of our representative government has been eroded, the justice system. Usually without justice, there’s anarchy. But in this case, it’s the opposite.
The judges frequently claim that Trump overstepped the power of the executive branch, violating the separation of powers. When the reality is they were the ones overstepping their authority by incorrectly interpreting the Constitution and associated case law in order to make that claim. They are shrinking the president’s authority granted to him by the Constitution and enlarging their own powers under Article III. For example, far left U.S. District Judge Amir Ali blockedTrump’s freeze on USAID payments, calling the freeze “‘vast and generally unreviewable’ executive power and diminution of Congressional power.”
We all know that Trump has the top attorneys in the country surrounding him, and he’s not actually a fascist as the left claims. He’s asked all these attorneys if he has the authority as president to trim the wasteful spending within the executive branch, and the attorneys researched the law and advised him yes. Sending money from an executive branch agency is simply not the realm of the judiciary branch or the congressional branch.
A similar bogus claim by judges is that Trump misapplied other laws. Trump invoked the Alien Enemies Act of 1798 to deport illegal immigrants. Far left U.S. District Judge James Boasberg halted the deportations by narrowly interpreting the law, sneakily stating that it only applied during declared wars or against enemy nations.
While the left has no respect for the Constitution and usually ignores it, preferring to misinterpret it through a bogus legal interpretation theory called the “Living Constitution” — which basically just says they can interpret it any way they want since this is the modern era — they’ll bring it up to claim that Trump is violating it when it suits them. Judge Leo T. Sorokin in Massachusetts ruled earlier this year that abolishing birthright citizenship via executive order infringes on the 14th Amendment. The 14th Amendment has been very broadly interpreted for many years to apply in ridiculous ways to all kinds of situations, so no surprise it was used there.
I’m just waiting for them to invoke the Commerce Clause next, possibly the most abused clause in the Constitution. In 1942, a sleazy Supreme Court ruled inWickard v. Filburn that the government could limit the amount of wheat that farmer Roscoe Filburn grew for personal use because it affected interstate commerce by reducing the amount he would buy on the market.
Since most people aren’t lawyers, they don’t fully understand all the nuances, which these judges use to their advantage. The MSM does too, they think they are so clever, but those of us who are lawyers cringe reading their propaganda because they don’t understand the law. For example, they refer to J6 as an insurrection when not a single J6er was charged with insurrection.
Fortunately, the House Judiciary Committee will be holding hearings on these rogue judges. Chair Jim Jordan would not say whether they were going as far as impeachment hearings. It would be next to impossible to impeach any of them, since it requires a supermajority of 67 in the Senate (only a simple majority in the House). There is a bill that would restrict injunctions by judges, and Jordan said he’s looking at some other remedies too.
The Trump administration has begun defying some of the rulings, setting them up for a showdown at the Supreme Court. However, this current Supreme Court ducks a lot of important cases. Most of the federal courts of appeals lean to the left, so if SCOTUS rejects certiorari on appeals from those courts, the bad rulings will be allowed to stand. And most of them will end up in leftist circuit courts, since the left sleazily shops for the most far left jurisdictions to file its lawsuits against the Trump administration. Corrupt presiding judges then assign the cases to the furthest left district court judges, and at the appeals stage to panels dominated by leftist judges.
Another aspect of these bogus rulings is that the Constitution was set up to divide powers between the branches, and those assignments cannot be adjudicated by the courts. It is known as “nonjusticiable.” Otherwise, the judicial branch would not be co-equal, but the most powerful branch. Sadly, progressive activist judges have been ignoring this principle and getting involved anyway, trampling the Constitution.
Just because we’ve never experienced this type of fascism creep into the U.S. before does not mean it is not a form of it. Trump cannot do his job as president. The left takes and perverts all of our institutions, maximizing the abuse they can get away with, so it should come as no surprise that they’ve now set their sights on the judiciary.
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