A shocking case out of Pennsylvania has revealed the troubling lengths some will go to in order to fabricate hate crimes. A city worker has been accused of staging a so-called "hate crime" by allegedly planting a noose at her own desk, sparking outrage and division in her workplace. This hoax not only undermines actual instances of discrimination but also erodes trust in genuine efforts to address racial issues.
School board member LaTarsha Brown of Allentown, Pennsylvania, was charged on Monday with criminal counts after DNA pulled from the noose was discovered to only belonged to her.
“LaTarsha Brown was charged with tampering with or fabricating physical evidence, a misdemeanor of the 2nd degree, and false reports to law enforcement," Police Chief Charles Roca said.
Brown first reported the incident earlier this year, sparking swift outrage from the public. People protested outside the Allentown School Board and supported Brown, only to find out three months later that she was being accused of planting the noose.
Captain Steve Milkovits stated that his department grew suspicious when Brown was the only employee who refused to continue cooperating. She also made “vague statements and gave deceptive answers” to police during questioning.
“Each was asked if they would provide a buccal swab for DNA testing if needed. Every employee agreed except for Ms. Brown. Initially cooperative, Ms. Brown later requested that the investigation be discontinued,” he said.
The police department later obtained a subpoena for Brown's DNA, and city officials are now confronted with growing evidence suggesting that she was responsible for the incident herself. Her DNA was found on the inner knotted portion and the outer surface of the noose.
In January, Democrat city council member Ce-Ce Gerlach became irate over the situation, suggesting that “Brown people” are not safe against white people.
“Our employees are not safe. The black employees are not safe. It’s everyone,” Gerlach said at the time the incident was first reported. “It’s the white allies [who] are not safe. Brown people are not safe. Gay people are not safe. Anyone in any marginalized community, when you are working in a building in which a noose was found, you are not safe.”