
Rollins Points Out When the Media Suddenly Started Caring About High Egg Prices

Agriculture Secretary Brooke Rollins accused the media of turning a blind eye during the Biden administration to rising egg prices—an issue that only began making headlines once President Trump took office.

“The prices of eggs under the four years of Joe Biden increased 237 percent … and yet it wasn’t covered in the press at all,” she said during a Cabinet meeting on Monday. “No one talked about the price of eggs in the summer of last year, for example, in the media, so of course the president wins and he is inaugurated and the next day everyone is yelping about why the price of eggs are so high.”

Rollins said since the USDA released a five-point plan last month to address the high price of eggs amid outbreaks of the avian flu, wholesale prices have come down 53 percent.

“At least for now in the short term…the price of eggs are coming down as well as the price of groceries,” she said.

In the meeting, Rollins also announced some of the contracts USDA has canceled to help rein in waste, fraud, and abuse within the federal government. 

"We've canceled $600,000 out of Louisiana that was studying the menstrual cycles of transgender men. We canceled another contract out of a University in the middle of the country that focused on getting more DEI into the pest management industry. Again, these are nonsensical. It makes zero sense to use taxpayer dollars to fund these."