Charlie Kirk talks with a teacher amongst a crowd about what makes a woman.
Charlie Kirk: Every single one of you that are sending your kids or grandkids to public schools have a moral obligation to watch this 1:23 clip.
Charlie Kirk in clip: You're a teacher?
Audience member: Yes.
Charlie Kirk: What is a woman?
Audience member: What is a woman? Oh buddy. All right. So we define gender as a set of preferences that you have. Woman is a social construct that we've agreed upon. Typically we imagine womanhood as makeup or whatever. There is a difference between the word woman and being a biological female. Woman is a social construct that we use. Listen for a second. I'm telling you what it means. Woman is a social construct. We agree on these set of preferences. If I tell you that I'm a man, it's because I want you to know that I like these set of preferences. If I tell you I'm a woman, it's because I want you to know that I agree with these set of preferences.
Charlie Kirk: Can men give birth?
Audience member: Can men? Or can males? Because males can't. Listen for a second. If you listen to your bio professors, you'd understand there's a difference between biology and what we think about ...
Charlie Kirk: So, I want to thank you for proving a great point. You are why we should eliminate the Department of Education. Thank you very much.