
Victor Ponta: I Can Work With President Trump To Make Romania and Europe Great

In United States Vice President JD Vance’s February 14th speech at the Munich Security Conference, he criticized Romania's annulment of its presidential election held in December and spoke to several large issues facing Europe.

The Romanian government nullified the election results on "flimsy suspicions of an intelligence agency and enormous pressure from its continental neighbors,” remarked Vance.

The new presidential vote is planned for May 4, with a possible run-off vote scheduled for May 18.

The vice president also took the opportunity to call out European Union "commissars" for suppressing free speech, failing to address mass migration, and retreating from "some of its most fundamental values.” He then implored Europe to step up as President Trump works to find an end to the war between Russia and Ukraine.

Following Vice President Vance’s speech, former Prime Minister and current member of the Chamber of Deputies Victor Ponta spoke to Townhall Media.

Townhall Media: Thank you, sir. Before we get to the vice president's speech in Munich, can you clear up speculation or say something more on the reports that you are "determined" to enter the presidential race?

Victor Ponta: Now, I can be very clear. Yes, I will run, and yes, I will be the president of Romania.

Townhall Media: During the vice president’s speech, he questioned the annulment of last year’s Romanian election due to alleged Russian interference, implying that such actions undermine democratic resilience. Given these assertions, how do you perceive Romania’s position within the broader U.S.-Europe relationship? Should Romania align more closely with U.S. perspectives on governance and free speech, or maintain its current trajectory within the European framework?

Victor Ponta: Ever since we threw away the shackles of communism, Romania and its people have committed to a special partnership with the U.S. As prime minister of Romania ten years ago, I had to take strategic decisions that proved this. For example, to buy for the Romanian Airforce F16 jets, to release the first licences for shale gas and offshore gas to Chevron and Exxon. We hold the second-largest American military base on the continent.

But now, with the new administration led by President Trump, the enthusiasm of Romanians about America is even greater. The absolute majority of Romanians are sharing the values promoted by the MAGA movement: God, family, country, peace. Mr. Trump is very popular in my country.

Romania will always be in Europe and a proud member of the EU, but when I’m elected as president, I will advocate for more alignment with the U.S. There is no NATO without the U.S., and there is no reliable military or energetic security for the continent without the U.S. As president of Romania, I would come immediately to the Trump administration with a clear common project to make Mihail Kogalniceanu Air Base (MKAB) in Romania, the largest U.S. base in Europe, and another economic project to develop with American companies in the field of huge natural resources which are already confirmed in the Black sea and the Carpathian areas.

Romanian people are disappointed by the bureaucracy and lack of transparency in Brussels, as we witnessed during the COVID pandemic and the war in Ukraine. Most of all, the shameful decision to cancel the second round of elections in our country without evidence or reasonable cause – and without any pushback from Europe. And so, besides military and economic cooperation, I strongly believe that only the U.S. can guarantee for Romania a clear and sustainable return to free speech and democratic elections. The people of Romania must have a voice and be allowed to vote for whomever they want, and I greatly welcome the new administration’s firm stance on that issue.

Townhall Media: Reflecting some more on last year’s cancelled elections, what measures would you propose to strengthen Romania’s electoral integrity? How can Romania balance the need for security with the preservation of democratic processes and public trust?

Victor Ponta: The first thing we have to do is transfer the power back to the people. We have a ridiculous situation where the banning of candidates or annulling elections is completely in the hands of a few judges without any oversight or participation of parliament. The ultimate sovereign is completely shut out. When I was PM, it was different. But after I left office, it was changed into a non-transparent and undemocratic way. The system in Romania is stronger than the people’s will, and this is the greatest cause of anger and distrust.

The core values of democracy, freedom of speech, freedom of elections, where the people are the sovereign, have been lost, taken hostage in the last ten years by a system that serves its own interests – God forbid even foreign interests – and not the Romanian people. Only in very, very extreme cases do security interests need to outweigh democratic ones – and that principle has been lost in Romania.

I saw that system from very close when I was prime minister 10 years ago. I started to fight it by reforming old economic structures and creating a powerful and free economy. People had more money in their pockets and more freedom back then. But the system manipulated my elections for president and even killed people to force me out of office. They continued to chase me, tried to prosecute me and imprison me, and I had to fight for my innocence, just like Mr. Trump.

I made my mistakes but now I come back smarter and stronger. The system cannot threaten me anymore, and I know its weaknesses. I know I have a strong backing from the new U.S. administration, and I’m going to push new reforms to release both the Romanian economy and Romanian democracy because our people deserve to live better. It’s time for the Romanian people to become the first priority and have the system to bow to the sovereign.

Townhall Media: The other weekend, Americans were seeing images on TV of German police arresting people in their homes for social media posts around Europe. Vice President Vance highlighted his concerns about censorship and the suppression of dissent within European countries. What is your stance on these issues within Romania? How would your administration ensure the protection of free speech and political diversity, while safeguarding national security?

Victor Ponta: I can guarantee one thing for sure – when I’m president, no one in Romania will be arrested for social media posts unless there is a clear and present danger that the person is about to commit a serious and violent crime, like in the form of terrorism.

The rules and atmosphere of public discussion have changed and we must adapt. Things that were forbidden to say a few decades ago are mainstream today. I am totally disgusted by a culture of cancel where certain views are not allowed to be expressed. Limiting free speech is not the answer – open debate is. We cannot close ourselves and listen only to the ones who have a similar opinion to ours.

Townhall Media: With President Trump’s return to office, there appears to be a shift in U.S. foreign policy – emphasizing support for conservative values and a reevaluation of traditional alliances. A recent poll of Romanians had 62% believing that President Trump’s election was good for Romanians. How do you envision Romania navigating its relationship with the U.S. under this administration? What opportunities or challenges do you foresee arising from this renewed U.S. leadership?

Victor Ponta: The trends in America resemble those in Romania. In these times of uncertainties, we begin to realize how important tradition and faith are as a sense of stability, comfort, and guidance. Romanians didn’t lose their faith in God during the years of communism, and now more and more people return to the churches and monasteries that were a great part of our tradition and values.

There is a side in Europe that is more traditional. Countries like Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, and Italy present a different attitude towards the North Atlantic relationship than France or Netherlands. We want closer ties with the U.S, and closer economic ties – built on reciprocity and fairness. Romania needs to contribute more to security because that is the only way to secure peace. Europe, without the U.S., is vulnerable, and we must understand that this is a partnership where everyone must feel satisfied. If America thinks it is treated unfairly in terms of trade, we must solve those issues together.

The problem is that, today, the voice of Romania is absent. We are not a small country in the EU but our leadership behaves as a vassal state with no opinion or contribution. We must have our place at the table and make sure that Romania’s interests are fulfilled. When I was prime minister, Romania was growing fast and was attractive to investments from U.S. companies. Now our economy is headed for stagflation, and no one wants to come. Growth is weak and prices are soaring, because our economy is practically managed by an old, self-serving, corrupt system using economic methods that didn’t even work in the 20th century, let alone in the 21st.

I know how to change this, and the only way is by flipping the system on its head; by cutting down on bloated public administration, cutting down on taxes, using our own resources for energy independence, opening the system for more competition, encouraging consumption, and supporting Romanian small businesses. Just like what is done now by the Trump administration in the U.S.

Townhall Media: You were prime minister of Romania from 2013-2015, and it was thought you were leaving politics at the end of 2020. Then you ran and won a seat in parliament in December. What made you get back into the arena?

Victor Ponta: When I was PM ten years ago, the economy was soaring. We cut taxes and encouraged investments and results soon followed. The money flowed to people’s pockets, and I had even bigger and better plans.

The system didn’t like it. They manipulated the elections, and – I dare to say – even caused peoples’ deaths in order to turn the people against me and stop me. I couldn’t fight the system and the people at the same time. When I resigned, taking responsibility for things not directly under my control, I said I will always be on the side of the people. I thought others might come in my place and have the opportunity to continue the progress. Instead, the politicians who took control only thought about themselves, gave up on Romania’s interests, and brought our country to misery and almost bankruptcy.

The last straw was the cancelling of the elections. I understood that the system also wants to take away the people’s voice and that I can no longer remain on the fence. Otherwise, we will really lose everything. We have reached the point of now or never. It is not only shameful and undemocratic but also dangerous. This is the place where democracy ends and tyranny starts.

I want to give people back their voice and their right to choose. I want to give people a sense of control over the system. There is a way to change the system – America has shown us how. And I want to bring the sense of fairness and prosperity back to our people. I have learned from my mistakes and am coming back even more determined to flip the system on its head. I want to put Romanian people in the first place.

Townhall Media: The Trump administration has been critical of the European Union’s bureaucracy and regulatory overreach. How would a pro-Trump Romanian presidency challenge or reform EU policies to make them more favorable to stronger borders, less centralized governance, and greater national autonomy within the Union?

Victor Ponta: The first thing we have to do is look at ourselves. The system in Romania is bloated and inefficient, and that puts a heavy burden on our growth. One of the goals of my project for Romania 2030 is to have an efficient, professional government with a reduced administration. I would like to cut 20% of the Romanian administration workforce across the board, sparing those with direct contact with citizens, like teachers, doctors, and nurses. Such a measure would weed out inefficiency and waste, and allow us to raise salaries for those remaining – thus attracting better people. Citizens are tired of government offices that only serve themselves and a system that doesn’t care about them.

Townhall Media: It is often said that a man is measured by the enemies he makes – who are the forces that don’t want you running? What do you say to Romanians who might be undecided?

Victor Ponta: The interference in elections didn’t start today but already existed back when I ran for president 11 years ago. The system used all its powers to manipulate the elections in a very unfair way. After I lost, they didn’t stop. They were afraid of me returning to power and orchestrated the legal system against me. I had to face several bogus charges that eventually were dismissed.

I thank God I was able in the last few years to build my independent business – not connected to anything in Romania. I am totally free from the system, and they cannot threaten me anymore. It is not to say they are not trying. I am getting hints and messages that show me that I am still very much feared by very powerful groups in the Romanian state. In the years since I left office, the system only got stronger, more arrogant, and more determined.

Fortunately, today I am more experienced and smarter. I know exactly the weaknesses of the system and how to counter it. I am much more determined than before because I know it is now or never. If the system can get away with cancelling the elections and blocking people’s voices then we are headed for doom. In these elections, I ask voters to consider who has a plan to transfer power from the system to the people, and who already has experience in making Romanians – and not the system – wealthier and more prosperous. We have a resourceful and rich country, and our citizens should be the first ones to benefit and enjoy this. Romanians should feel they are in the first place, not some self-serving system beholden by corruption and foreign interests.

Townhall Media: Thank you. As we wrap up, what would you like to say to the average American citizen who may not typically pay attention to Romanian politics from 5,000-6,000 miles away?

Victor Ponta: I want to say to all Americans that Romania and Europe are your allies in making a world where the values of democracy and freedom of speech are paramount. I want to say that the U.S. and Romania have lots of economic opportunities to discuss, and we are open to American companies and investors. And I want to say that Romania is one of the most, if not the most, beautiful countries in Europe, with ancient traditions and mysteries – like the home of Count Dracula – and I invite and welcome American tourists to come and explore and enjoy.

Thank you.

*This conversation has been edited for length and clarity.