
Former Obama Advisor: Amber Rose's RNC Remarks Could Be the 'Most Dangerous' for Democrats

This week, former Obama advisor Van Jones said that model Amber Rose’s remarks at the Republican National Convention (RNC) were the “most dangerous” to Democrats. 

Jones made the remarks on CNN.

“That was probably the most dangerous speech for the Democratic coalition. She’s describing an experience a lot of people have, feeling that, maybe if you’re around too many liberals you might get criticized too much or you might not be able to speak your mind, and she spoke to it really well. And, she’s way more famous than any of us up here. I’m going to tell you that. Way more famous,” Jones said. 

“To the extent that these guys are trying to bust up our coalition, that was a bunker buster,” he added.

In Rose’s speech at the RNC, she said, “I realized Donald Trump and his supporters don’t care if you’re black, white, gay or straight” after she did research on Trump and met many of his supporters.

“It’s all love,” she said, noting that she herself is biracial. “And that’s when it hit me. These are my people. This is where I belong.”

“The left told me to hate Trump, and worse, to hate the other side, the people who support him. When you cut through the lies, you realize the truth. American families were better when Donald Trump was president,” Rose said to applause.

“We were safer, wealthier and stronger…or, as Trump would say, it’s a vote to make America great again,” she asserted.