
Tim Scott Reminds Americans of Joe Biden’s Association With a KKK Member

As President Joe Biden scrambles to gain back black voters ahead of the 2024 election, his past may crawl back to bite him. 

Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) is reminding Americans that Biden has close ties to “racist” and known member of the Klu Klux Klan (KKK), Sen. Robert Byrd (D-WV).

He criticized the media for suppressing the story, that had it been a Republican, the press would be eating it up. 

Scott said Biden’s words and actions are a “disgusting reflection on who he is,” accusing him of dividing the nation rather than bringing unity. 

“The thing that is the most unbelievable to me and if it were a Republican probably would be career-killing, which is him partnering with his friend and mentor, a former Klansman to stop the integration of public schools and busing,” host Sean Hannity said. “Even Kamala Harris criticized him for that — in that — that presidential primary debate in 2020. I was that girl, I believe she said, and because he didn’t want public schools, his words, to be racial jungles. Am I like the only one in the country that dares to bring this up and ask incredulously why doesn’t anyone care about that?”

“You know, they’re not playing that on CNN,” Scott replied. “You know they’re not playing it on MSNBC. They are not sharing the truth of who Joe Biden has always been. We should run commercial after commercial with Kamala Harris telling Joe Biden what he did in the 1960s, and in addition to that, we should make sure that his words of the jungle, what a disgusting reflection of who he is. I will say this without question, jobs and justice are moving more Black folks toward Donald Trump, because we want fairness and what we hear from Joe Biden over and over again is a pandering tour. But your have 100% right, to associate with a racist, a KKK member, and to celebrate it, you can only do that when all of the national media goes dark. They won’t cover any negative news on Joe Biden.” Via Breitbart News. 

Recent polling average found that Biden’s support among black voters declined by 12 percent since 2020. Meanwhile, more than double of black Americans— 22 percent— indicated their vote would go to former President Donald Trump. 

A New York Times/Siena survey found that Trump is winning more than 20 percent of Black voters in the poll -- which, according to the NYT, would be the highest level of Black support for a Republican presidential candidate since the Civil Rights Act was enacted in 1964.