
Al Sharpton Made a Solid Observation About Race Relations and Latte-Drinking Libs Who Are Obsessed About It

What a time to be alive to see Al Sharpton make a rational point about race relations. It’s either he’s mellowing out or that the progressive Left has become so insane that he seems to be that way. Sharpton will always be a hard-core liberal, but his point about the Left’s refusal to acknowledge progress on race is good. He also takes a swing at latte-sipping white liberals in the Hamptons who are obsessed with the subject. Greg Gutfeld aired the clip of these remarks on his show last night. Bill Maher torched progressives for refusing to celebrate our progress as well. 

Sure, there’s always more work to be done, but we’re not apartheid South Africa. We’ve moved beyond Reconstruction, though white liberals want to perpetuate a false racial narrative that we’re still in these eras just with iPhones and social media everywhere. It’s sick. It’s the art of keeping oneself miserable. Sharpton made these points on MSNBC’s Morning Joe on Monday (via LifeZette):

“Certainly, we shouldn’t sit back and congratulate ourselves, but we should not condemn ourselves for the steps and the progress that has been made,” Sharpton stated. “And I think that one of the problems that we have, which is why I call them latte liberals, is we’re having people assess what has happened that they were not the ones that it was happening to.”

“So if you’re sitting around sipping lattes in the Hamptons talking about what’s going on in Harlem, you may not know the progress that we have made in terms of going from not being able to vote, in my mother and father’s generation, to electing a black president in my generation because you were never discriminated against,” he added. “And I think that a lot of people have taken advantage of our pain rather than trying to ease our pain, whether it comes to race, whether it comes to gender, whether it comes to those in the LGBTQ community.”

“Really, I think it is also antithetical to keeping movements going to act like we’re not making progress,” Sharpton concluded. “People need victories to keep fighting. People need to know that they’re not having an endless battle that will ultimately lead to defeat. What empowers people is to know that they’re not fighting for nothing and that they are achieving things, so they keep going. And I think that there are those that are in the business of pessimism, and that dampens forward progress and dampens movements. It doesn’t advance them.”

Yeah, there’s nothing wrong with that observation. In fact, it’s dead-on accurate. It’s what’s at the core of the white liberals in urban America. It’s all an academic exercise to them and if we’re going by their rules—that’s a privileged take. It’s also a warning for Democratic Party operatives as no oneno one is this ideological on the issue of race—not even black and Hispanic voters which is why a ton were pushed into the GOP camp in 2020. It wasn’t enough to win the election for Trump, but the trend doesn’t bode well long term. All people want their communities safe and defunding the police antics seems to be a guaranteed way for Democrats to lose votes. They already have. 

Sharpton made similar swipes at latte liberals when it comes to defunding the police.