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The Most Outrageous, Horrific Things USAID Did With Your Tax Dollars

AP Photo/Jon Elswick, File

As part of President Donald Trump's plans to crack down on wasteful government spending, his administration has halted all foreign aid funded by or through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) while Secretary of State Marco Rubio ensures that their overseas assistance programs align with our national interests.


USAID, the country's chief international aid agency, enjoys an annual budget of over $40 billion in appropriations—much of it splurged on a host of far-left foreign causes that run counter to Trump's America First agenda. "They're not a global charity," Rubio said of USAID's spending spree. "These are taxpayer dollars. People are asking simple questions. What are they doing with the money?"

Here are some of the most horrific projects, outrageous initiatives, and biggest boondoggles USAID has financed:

1. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Until Trump's funding freeze, USAID was actively paying for "sex-change" procedures in Guatemala. USAID poured $2 million into Asociación Lambda, a Guatemalan LGBTQ+ activist organization, to "strengthen trans-led" activism and provide "gender-affirming health care," grant records show. Launched in April 2024, the three-year program was slated to span through the spring of 2027.

Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL), the House Foreign Affairs Committee's new chairman, released a report Tuesday exposing USAID's frivolous DEI-related expenses. Among them, Mast reported, $1 million went toward supporting French-speaking LGBTQ+ groups in West and Central Africa, $3.3 million was blown on normalizing "being LGBTQ in the Caribbean," and $425,600 helped Indonesian coffee companies become "more climate and gender friendly."

Mast said $1.5 million had gone toward promoting job opportunities for LGBTQ-identifying individuals in Serbia, $16,500 for fostering a "united and equal queer-feminist discourse in Albanian society," $47,000-plus on a "transgender opera" in Colombia, $32,000 for an LGBTQ-centered comic book in Peru, $70,880 on a musical promoting DEI in Ireland, $20,600 for a drag show in Ecuador, over $7,000 for a BIPOC speaker series in Canada, more than $39,650 to host seminars at the Edinburgh International Book Festival on "gender identity and racial equality," $80,000 on an LGBTQ community center in Slovakia, $10,000 on pressuring Lithuanian corporations to push DEI messaging, and $8,000 to promote DEI among LGBTQ+ groups in Cyprus.

USAID's Office of Chief Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility notified Congress just before Christmas that they've earmarked money (about $1 million) for several programs that will support "marginalized" groups in Indonesia, Guatemala, and Kenya. The funding notice said USAID would "engage with Indigenous-led institutions to implement an Indigenous language technology program" in Guatemala.

2. Climate Activism

In March 2023, USAID set aside up to $1 million to help disabled people in Tajikistan become "climate leaders." The grant notice solicited proposals for a "Disability-Inclusive Climate Action" project in the Central Asian country that would ensure that disabled Tajikistanis are included "in the development of climate change response and mitigation policies."

In May 2023, USAID unveiled a $1.5 million effort aimed at "empowering women to adapt to climate change in northern Kenya." Women in the area, USAID wrote, live in "traditionally patriarchal communities" and need training to join Kenya's fight against climate change. The program would "improve their participation in decision making" and "enhance adaptive capabilities to climate change."


The funding announcements followed USAID's release of their 2022-2030 climate strategy, a $150 billion "whole-of-agency approach" seeking to achieve an "equitable world with net-zero greenhouse gas emissions." Included in the effort is a pledge to expand the "diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility of the climate workforce" through taxpayer-funded programs elevating gay, female, indigenous, and disabled climate activists.

According to Mast's findings, other USAID expenditures include $446,700 to promote the expansion of atheism in Nepal, $2.5 million on the construction of electric vehicle charging stations in Vietnam's largest cities, and $55,750 for a presentation—led by female and LGBTQ+ journalists—warning about the impact of "climate change" in Argentina.

In response to Trump's mandate, USAID staffers have submitted about 200 waivers for foreign aid spending they feel should proceed during the funding freeze; however, the Rubio-led U.S. State Department rejected them all, sources told The Washington Free Beacon. Some of these requests pertained to "environmental justice," "LGBTQ+ Inclusive Development," and "Latinx politics."

One waiver made a one-week funding plea of $21.7 million within the Bureau for Resilience, Environment, and Food Security (REFS). This bureau prioritizes "equity and environmental justice through the empowerment of marginalized and underrepresented populations," an effort that includes improving "gender equality" and "digital inclusion." Another one-week funding request of $62.7 million was made within the Bureau for Inclusive Growth, Partnerships, and Innovation (IPI), which "advances the rights and inclusion of women and girls and gender-diverse individuals, and ensures marginalized and underrepresented groups are central to their own development." The request outlines the bureau's policies and strategies, including a "2023 Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment Policy" and an "LGBTQI+ Inclusive Development Policy."

3. Mass Migration

According to federal funding records, almost $45 million in USAID funds were slated to provide emergency food assistance and economic support for Venezuelan migrants in Colombia through the United Nations World Food Programme. Mast said the U.S. State Department paid for $14 million in cash vouchers for immigrants at the southern border and allocated $3.2 million toward helping migrants "readjust to life in Tunisia" after being deported.

4. 'Sexual Health' in Third World Countries

In fiscal year 2023, using U.S. "family planning funds," USAID spent massive sums of money on contraception and condoms abroad, shipping about $60.8 million worth across the globe, mainly to Africa (89 percent). Of those shipments, approximately $46,000 of oral and injectable contraceptives were distributed to the Middle East. From FY 2016 to 2022, USAID bought 3.6 billion male condoms (priced at $118.6 million) for 60 countries, according to USAID Global Health Supply Chain Program-Procurement and Supply Management (GHSC-PSM)'s "comprehensive agency report on condoms and lubricants."

According to a non-public congressional funding notice reviewed by The Washington Free Beacon, USAID "quietly" distributed $15 million worth of contraceptives and condoms in Afghanistan, which would require "some" "necessary" "coordination" with the Taliban "for programmatic purposes." USAID earmarked the cash infusion last July and transmitted the funds in August. The procurement was part of a $100 million package meant to support "basic rights and freedoms" and empower women and girls living under Taliban rule.


USAID also funded the mass production of 3D-printed "personalized" contraceptives for women in developing countries. In March 2022, scientists at the University of Texas at Austin's Pharmaceutical Engineering and 3D Printing (PharmE3D) Labs gained USAID backing to create custom, "less-intrusive" female birth control devices. "This USAID grant has the potential to make a significant impact on women’s reproductive health in the developing world," Dr. Mo Maniruzzaman, an assistant professor at the university's Division of Molecular Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery, praised. The firm's IUD research was carried out in collaboration with the work of Contraceptive Research and Development (CONRAD), an organization established by USAID.

5. EcoHealth Alliance

Between October 2009 and May 2019, USAID partnered with Wuhan lab collaborator EcoHealth Alliance on "PREDICT," a project of USAID's Emerging Pandemic Threats (EPT) program. USAID accordingly awarded EcoHealth Alliance approximately $1.1 million over that 10-year period as part of a "sub-agreement" with the Wuhan Institute of Virology "for the purpose of advancing research on critical viruses that could pose harm to human and animal health."

USAID claims that all USAID-funded activities carried out at the Wuhan lab were "consistent with the work performed in other countries that also received related funding." These activities involved testing for exposure to coronaviruses in animals and humans. The purpose of this research, according to USAID, was to identify zoonotic viruses among animal populations before they spill over (i.e. are able to infect humans) and cause potential pandemics in people.

USAID insists that they "never authorized or funded any work that aimed to increase the ability of infectious agents to cause disease by enhancing its pathogenicity or by increasing its transmissibility," otherwise known as gain-of-function research.

Under the auspices of the PREDICT project, which identified nearly 950 novel viruses, including SARS-related coronaviruses, USAID says that their "work in China" ended abruptly in 2019. Since then, no additional USAID Global Health Security funding went to Wuhan, the agency maintains.

According to EcoHealth Alliance, PREDICT partners base their research in geographic "hotspots" and focus on animals that are most likely to carry zoonotic diseases, such as bats.

EcoHealth Alliance is currently under fire for using their last federal grant to fund dangerous, gain-of-function coronavirus research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology prior to the pandemic. Led by Dr. Peter Daszak, EcoHealth has failed to report findings from their federally funded research and attempted to impede investigations into the Wuhan lab leak theory.

Then, in October 2021, despite Dazak's troubling record, USAID awarded EcoHealth Alliance a five-year $4.67 million grant. A USAID spokesperson told Fox News that this multi-million dollar award will simply implement EcoHealth Alliance's Conservation Works Activity (CWA) in southwest Liberia. CWA, an initiative honing sustainability practices in the West African county, was "competitively bid and awarded," the USAID spokesperson said. "EcoHealth Alliance has experience monitoring wildlife and understanding forest-disease dynamics in Liberia, and its consortium partners have substantial experience with protected area management and rural development in Liberia."


In 2013, EcoHealth Alliance received a three-year $2 million award from USAID to "combat disease emergence and climate change in Asia." At the time, EcoHealth Alliance argued that "intact ecosystems" are better equipped to "reduce risk of infectious disease spillover events" because a changing environment can accelerate the pace of animal-to-human contact, enabling pathogens to spill over between species populations, "a first spark in the chain of events that ignite global pandemics.

From 2011 to 2021, data from shows that USAID provided $2.5 million in funding to EcoHealth through the Infectious Disease Emergence and Economics of Altered Landscapes Project. Federal watchdogs also found that USAID funneled over $854,000 in grant money to two Chinese entities (Wuhan University and Wuhan Institute of Virology) between 2014 and 2021 through a "cooperative agreement" involving EcoHealth Alliance, the "first-tier subrecipient" in this arrangement, acting as a conduit.

6. Terrorism

Courtesy of USAID, 38,000 meals went to al Qaeda-affiliated fighters in Syria. Mahmoud Al Hafyan, who ran an NGO regional office in Syria, skimmed as much as $10 million worth of meals, which we were supposed to go to Syrian civil war refugees, the USAID's inspector general's office charged. Al Hafyan allegedly allowed members of the Nusra Front, an al Qaeda-linked terrorist organization, to collect the thousands of meal kits. For "safety reasons," USAID declined to confirm the name of the NGO, which USAID awarded $122 million in funding between 2015 and 2018, according to The Washington Examiner.

In another "inadvertent" act of material support for terrorism, USAID funded irrigation canals, farming equipment, and even fertilizer used to cultivate poppy production in Afghanistan, an industry mainly benefitting Taliban narco-jihadists. In 2018, the U.S. Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) released a report revealing that after USAID devoted at least $330 million in funding to failed alternative development projects (ADP), these agricultural programs "inadvertently" supported poppy cultivation. The inspector general's report pointed to USAID's rehabilitation and development of irrigation systems. Geospatial data derived from satellite imagery showed that USAID's Kandahar Food Zone program focusing on irrigation repair and construction contributed to rising levels of opium growth.

In 2023, USAID sent more money to a terrorism-tied NGO after the inspector general began investigating the cash flow. Around February of that year, USAID's oversight office began looking into a $110,000 grant issued in 2021 to Helping Hand for Relief and Development, which lawmakers warned shares ties to terrorists, including Pakistan's Falah-e-Insaniat Foundation. Still, in October 2023, USAID reportedly sent another $78,000 to that same charity.

USAID beneficiaries have called for their land to be "free" "from the filth of the most dirty Jews." In 2021, Unlimited Friends Association (UFA) director Jomaa Khadoura said Al-Aqsa should be "cleanse[d] from the impurity of the Jews." A year later, USAID celebrated the construction of a USAID-funded UFA "educational and community center" in Gaza. UFA often hosts events providing financial support to the "the families of martyrs and prisoners" and organizes meetings at their offices with prominent Hamas figures, such as Mustafa Sawwaf, who says "Israel's disappearance" is "a necessity [according to] the Koran."


USAID has directly contributed to terrorism sympathizers and abettors, giving $100,000 to an Islamic charity that's been banned in both Israel and the United Arab Emirates for providing financial assistance to Hamas as well as other terrorism-tied organizations. Under USAID's Foreign Assistance for Programs Overseas, Islamic Relief Worldwide, a known fundraiser for Hamas, was awarded a $100,000 grant in 2016 for various foreign projects.

In 2006, Israeli authorities arrested the charity's Gaza coordinator, Ayaz Ali. "Incriminating files were found on Ali's computer, including documents that attested to the organization’s ties with illegal Hamas funds abroad (in the UK and in Saudi Arabia) and in Nablus," according to Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs. "Also found were photographs of swastikas superimposed on IDF symbols, of senior Nazi German officials, of Osama Bin Laden, and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, as well as many photographs of Hamas military activities." Islamic Relief Worldwide was co-founded by former Clinton Foundation employee Gehad el-Haddad, who was arrested in Egypt in 2013 and sentenced for supporting the Muslim Brotherhood.

USAID gave a $78,000 grant to the West Bank-based Community Development and Continuing Education Institute (CDCEI), whose chairman, Imad Al-Zeer, attended an anniversary event commemorating the founding of the terrorist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. CDCEI's deputy chairman Mike Salman praised convicted terrorist George Abdallah, the murderer of U.S. military attaché Charles R. Ray, as a "hero fighter." On Facebook, Salman called for the release of Abdallah, who's serving a life sentence in France for the 1982 murder. Salman also celebrated six escaped Palestinian prisoners, including Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade terror chief Zakaria Zubeidi and a Palestinian Islamic Jihad member convicted of killing an Israeli teenager in 2006.

CDCEI's other board members, such as Yasser Shaheen, applauded Hamas missile attacks on Israel, calling them "rockets of the Palestinian resistance." Shaheen mourned "hero martyr Omar Abu Layla," three days after Layla killed a rabbi and an Israel Defense Forces soldier. Jiries Abu Ghannam, another CDCEI board member, posted about standing in "solidarity with the prisoner fighter Marwan Al-Barghouti in his 19th year in Israeli prison" for helping to instigate the first and second intifadas. CDCEI board member Rana Abu Farha celebrated the "44th anniversary" of the "beautiful and brave fighter" Dalal Al-Mughrabi, who committed a 1978 bus hijacking and massacre of 38 Israelis, including 13 children. Al-Mughrabi also killed American photographer Gail Rubin, the niece of a U.S. senator, in the attack.

For years, USAID has given the Bayader for Environment and Development Association, a Gaza charity with documented ties to Hamas, generous disbursements of grant money, including a payment in the lead-up to the October 7, 2023, terrorist attack on Israel. Bayader secured a total of nearly $1 million in funding from USAID, according to the U.S. think tank Middle East Forum (MEF). The most recent USAID grant, for $15,219, was paid out on October 1, 2023, six days before the mass slaughter of over 1,200 Israelis.


Bayader is associated with Abdul Salam Haniyeh, the son of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, who orchestrated the pogrom. Bayader often operates in close "coordination" with the Hamas regime, according to a 2021 annual report mentioning meetings with multiple Hamas ministries. Moreover, Bayader's "project coordinator" Ahlam Jama shared social media posts mourning the death of Baha Abu al-Ata, the leader of Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ), a Sunni Islamist paramilitary group committed to the destruction of Israel. Bayader's financial director, Abd Rabbo Saeed Abu Haddaf, similarly mourned the passing of another PIJ militant, Ahmed Abu Deka, whom he referred to as a "brother and friend." Abu Deka served as deputy rocket forces commander of the Al-Quds Brigades, PJI's armed wing.

Last year, USAID publicly praised Bayader's work in the West Bank, boasting about their partnership, and USAID official Jonathan Kamin, one of its top mission directors, even posed with the Hamas-linked nonprofit's leaders in Gaza for a photo op.

Bayader's cash is routed through a nexus of pass-through U.S. nonprofits, including the International Medical Corps (IMC), a sub-grantee of USAID. These charities act as fiscal sponsors on behalf of Bayader and effectively as arms of Hamas, helping to build the latter's infrastructure projects, per the Middle East Forum. International Medical Corps itself recently received over $68 million in funding from USAID to support its operations in Gaza.

USAID has sent more than $2.1 billion in "humanitarian assistance" to Gaza since October 7, 2023, including $230 million that purportedly "support[ed] the Palestinian people," the U.S. Office of Palestinian Affairs touted in September. Notably, in the immediate aftermath of the onslaught, the U.S. Office of Palestinian Affairs, which was opened by President Joe Biden when he entered office, tweeted a now-deleted directive instructing Israel to stand down. Congress has increased oversight over the Palestinian affairs office since it publicly opposed Israel's right to self-defense.

According to an America First Legal complaint, the release of internal U.S. State Department emails—obtained via Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests—uncovered the Biden administration's attempts to undermine Israel. In March 2021, Hady Amr, Biden's special representative for Palestinian affairs, sent an email to George Noll, head of the U.S. Office of Palestinian Affairs, discussing the "progress" they had made ahead of Israel's parliamentary elections later that month. "Got the memo on elections," Amr told Noll, per the heavily redacted message. "We are making progress. This is great."

Noll's office also awarded a $160,000 grant to Al-Quds University, which is known as a hotbed of Hamas activity and has praised the group's militants as "martyrs." Hamas has hosted a number of military rallies at Al-Quds University, including a December 2022 on-campus event that commemorated the terrorist faction's founding and called for jihadist genocide of Israelis. In an interview on Palestine TV, a political science professor at Al-Quds University asked why the world "weeps" over the "so-called Holocaust."

USAID also notably funded the U.S. Overseas Cooperative Development Council, which employs Camila Piñeiro Harnecker, the daughter of Fidel Castro's intelligence chief Manuel Piñeiro Losado. As director of the organization's "Strengthening Cooperatives" practice area, Harnecker has helped lead several USAID-sponsored events, including a 2022 "learning" symposium on "Reflection & Resonance for Cooperative Impact" and a 2023 global cooperatives conference.


Harnecker, who has written several books on "Rethinking Cuban Socialism," is a representative of Havana's Cooperativism Society. "I think most of the population sees the cooperative as a useful and viable tool for strengthening socialism in Cuba," she told Democracy At Work, an anti-capitalist American podcast.

Harnecker's father, Piñeiro, served as Castro's ruthless spymaster and dispenser of weapons to admiring Latin American guerrilla groups. By the mid-1970s, Piñeiro had helmed the colloquially called ''Ministry of Revolution,'' which supplied arms, money, guidance, and a rear base to hordes of guerrilla movements in Latin America that sought to mimic Communist Cuba's model. Accordingly, Piñeiro was reportedly on a first-name basis with two generations of Latin American revolutionaries. As deputy minister of the interior, Piñeiro was placed in charge of the state security apparatus that helped spies infiltrate the Cuban exile movement in America. There, he oversaw internal security arms that surveilled and severely punished any acts of domestic opposition to Castro's dictatorship.

Meanwhile, Harnecker's mother, Marta Harnecker, is considered one of the most influential Marxist theorists among Latin American leftists. An adviser to Venezuela's president Hugo Chávez, Harnecker reportedly provided him with the theoretical framework for what he called "21st century socialism."

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