Bill Maher is no fan of Donald Trump. He’s criticized him heavily over the years, though countered with his equally brutal swipes at the political Left. Still, the man is unafraid to do what liberals seem to be allergic to for years: speak with those with whom you disagree. Kid Rock brokered this meeting. No doubt, Maher knows that liberals will be infuriated with this arrangement, but he couldn’t care less. He had the best response to those crybabies: “F**k you” (via Fox News):
Liberal comedian Bill Maher will soon be meeting President Donald Trump at the White House, Fox News Digital has learned.
Maher revealed to fellow comedian Andrew Schulz that Maher agreed to Kid Rock's offer to introduce him to his political foe, in an exchange that will air on Sunday's installment of Maher's "Club Random" podcast.
"Kid Rock was here a couple of weeks ago, and he said, ‘I want you to meet Trump.’ He said, 'I'm gonna take you to the White House.' So now we're gonna do that," Maher told Schulz.
Kid Rock was a guest on Maher's HBO show "Real Time" last month and is a strong supporter of Trump. Maher has long been a fierce critic of Trump but has stood out among progressives with his criticism of so-called wokeism and calls to better understand Trump's supporters.
Maher predicted liberals on the left will be angry about meeting with Trump, but he didn't care.
"And there will be lots of people on the left who will be like, ‘How dare you talk to this man.' It's like f--- you, I'm not playing this game that you mean girls play," Maher said. "'Oh, you know what? You can't sit at my lunch table, because I'm just not talking to you.' Not talking to you? You lost the election. Who the f--- do you think you have to talk to?"
And it goes beyond Trump—the entirety of the liberal agenda cannot be questioned or subjected to falsification. This trend showcases the changing attitudes among Democrats, from a working-class base to a college-educated one, where the latter are snobby, self-righteous, and incapable of introspection.
“I have a degree; there’s no way I can be wrong’ is the ethos of the Left. And those who dare to ask questions are smeared as Nazis. Well, it turns out that the Left is wrong on just about everything, and they have no room to maneuver, given their authoritarian tendency to defend every illiberal action item to the death.
There’s a reason why Elon Musk, Tulsi Gabbard, and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. are with us now. They’re all Democrats but didn’t want to kowtow to every item. That’s a death sentence in liberal America.
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