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Florida Democrat Wants to Ban One of Man’s Best Friend’s Favorite Activities

AP Photo/Wilfredo Lee

It wasn't until the late 1950s that cars in the U.S. began getting manufactured with seat belts, and even then, the federal government didn't begin to require them until 1968, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But use was low, and it took the implementation of enforcement measures across the country in the mid-1980s to turn the tide. While many adults still remember the days of riding beltless, most would probably agree that their widespread adoption has been a good thing for public safety. And it's hard to argue with the fact that they've been credited with saving more than a million lives. All this is to say not all regulations are bad. Nowadays, however, it seems lawmakers are trying to regulate nearly every aspect of our lives.

In Florida, one Democrat has decided to move on from finding new ways to limit human freedom and is now on to man's best friend.

State Sen. Lauren Book introduced Senate Bill 932, a piece of legislation that tackles a number of animal welfare issues, including the declawing of cats, the sale of rabbits during certain months of the year in stores, and animal testing for cosmetics. But one section of the measure is drawing particular attention. That's because the Democrat literally wants to ban dogs from going on joy rides. The legislation would bar our four-legged friends from riding with their heads or any other body part out the window. To be in compliance with the law, they'd need to be confined to a crate, "restrained safely with a harness or pet seat belt," or controlled by a passenger. 

Of course, there are risks involved with letting a dog do this—to them and others—but this is not the equivalent of seatbelt laws for humans. These are dogs. They love the wind blowing in their face and the smells of a new adventure on a country road. How about just for once, Democrats try not to be such buzzkills?

Update: After intense backlash, Book has pulled that part from the bill. 

"It’s very clear that people don’t like that provision," she said. 


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