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The World at a Crossroads

California Is Pushing a Gun Control Law That Will Get People Killed

AP Photo/Seth Perlman, File

California lawmakers have proposed a bill that would make it harder for residents to legally defend themselves.

If this bill passes, those who find themselves in dangerous situations might face prosecution if they use deadly force to stop a threat. As is typical for anti-gun laws, this bill would protect criminals more than the people they victimize.


Assembly Bill 1333 seeks to amend Section 197 of the California Penal Code, which outlines when one can commit homicide in self-defense. It would narrow the circumstances under which one can use deadly force to defend one's life or property.

For starters, the bill would eliminate the legal justification for homicide when one uses deadly force to protect their homes or property. Previously, a Californian could use lethal force against intruders who violently entered their homes. Under this measure, the state’s “castle doctrine” would be significantly limited.

“Homicide is not justifiable when committed by a person… When the person was outside of their residence and knew that using force likely to cause death or great bodily injury could have been avoided with complete safety by retreating,” the bill reads.

The bill introduces a duty to retreat for individuals confronted by violent assailants. Essentially, if a court determines an individual used deadly force when they could have fled, they could be prosecuted under this law. This would place law-abiding people in the position to determine whether they want to risk their lives by trying to flee, or possibly facing prosecution if they stand their ground.


“Homicide is not justifiable…When the person was outside of their residence and knew that using force likely to cause death or great bodily injury could have been avoided with complete safety by retreating.”

Those who knowingly provoke a violent encounter or engage in mutual combat could also face prosecution if they commit homicide in self-defense.

Naturally, the anti-gunner lobby loves this idea. Everytown for Gun Safety claims the measure is needed because White supremacists use them to victimize racial minorities.

No really. She actually said that with a straight face.

“This legislation builds on California’s gun safety legacy and lays the blueprint for the rest of the nation,” Monisha Henley, senior vice president for government affairs at Everytown for Gun Safety. “White supremacists and other extremists have hidden behind self-defense laws to fire a gun and turn any conflict into a death sentence. Now, lawmakers have an opportunity to help stop that and save lives. We thank Assemblymember Zbur for his commitment to gun safety and listening to advocates and experts on ways to keep Californians safe from gun violence.”

Henley wasn’t the only one to use this braindead arbument. Roan Thibault, a leader with Students Demand Action, said the rhetoric of certain politicians has “emboldened extremists to take violent actions against vulnerable communities.”


Let’s be clear: This is clearly a gun control law. Yes, it refers specifically to “self-defense,” which could also include situations in which someone might use a different weapon or their fists to stop an assailant.

The only part of this law that might make sense is the provision targeting those who deliberately provoke a violent confrontation only to use deadly force after.

But, in reality, most high-profile cases of self defense involve firearms. Studies have shown that Americans use guns to defend themselves or their property far more than they use them to commit violent crimes.

In California, it is already difficult enough to obtain permission from the state government to arm themselves. This law means that even if one goes through the labyrinth of rules and regulations, they will still not be able to use their firearms for their intended purpose: Self-defense.

This means that violent criminals will benefit because law-abiding gun owners will hesitate before using their weapon to safeguard their lives and property. If a carjacker tries to steal someone’s car, the victim must simply stand by and let them do it because if they use their gun to stop them, they might find themselves behind bars.


Unfortunately, this being California, this bill will likely pass and will place countless residents in danger. The reality is that anti-gunner progressives detest the notion that a person would take their wellbeing on themselves rather than relying on the state to protect them. Not only do they want to make it difficult to keep and bear arms, they also want to make it harder for people to use those arms.

This type of legislation could spread to other states, which means even more Americans might fall victim to violent crime. This is why we need more people fighting to safeguard our Second Amendment rights.


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