Globalist Debauchery

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Globalism replaced American interests for the US government and its outward-facing programs.

I don’t recall where I saw it, but someone stated that he would rather have a defective USAID still using media to advance American interests if the alternative was to shut the whole program down. What he said might be true if USAID and others at the highest levels of government, academia, and corporate power were still interested in advancing American interests. There is no question that there is still incredible power in media. Put out an advertisement in a local paper that there will be free Coke given out tomorrow in front of city hall, and you will have thousands of people show up for their complimentary bottle. The problem is that USAID, the CIA, and others no longer are interested in what could reasonably be described as the advancement of the interests of the American people or government. The FBI spent much of its time during the past decade framing Donald Trump and arresting his associates rather than catching bad guys.

I don’t know when the transition took place, but something has definitely gone south. One thinks of the US government using every resource—including the Pope and American Catholics—to get the 1948 Italian vote to go against the communists. JFK once famously said about a particular dictator, “He may be an S.O.B., but he is my S.O.B.” The US did not care what human rights violations Hosni Mubarak committed, as long as he was a solid and reliable friend of the United States. But then Barack Obama backed the “Arab Spring” and was happy when the Muslim Brotherhood antisemite, Mohamed Morsi, replaced Mubarak and had him arrested. The transition probably occurred over decades but one sees that the bodies created to both keep the US safe and advance American interests in the world now often push globalist programs. The World Economic Federation (WEF), the closest thing we have to Ian Fleming’s SPECTRE, is a major driver for “world government”, unfettered immigration, trans over religious values, reduced farming for climate change, etc. When one reads of large grants uncovered by DOGE, he sees that USAID and a constellation of NGOs and foreign governments were pushing programs that did not advance the interests of the tax-paying American public. Sure, they pushed trans into countries where such things were unknown and they helped Hamas during the current war with Israel. But what we do not see is USAID, the CIA or other outward-directed American governmental bodies pushing programs that make the US stronger or help American citizens and businesses.

What has essentially occurred over the past 50 years, with the march of the left through the institutions, has been a replacement of American interests as the primary outward-facing driver for foreign activity. As globalist values and goals became central to US power projection, American interests took a back seat. Here in Israel, USAID monies have been used to buy billboards against Binyamin (Bibi) Netanyahu during various national elections. USAID millions went to Hamas during the war to keep the terror group functioning. Many of the nudnik NGOs that routinely accuse Israel of apartheid and ethnic cleansing have as part of their funding US government money. Why would the US put millions of dollars into anti-Israel organizations? The reason is that Israel is not a favored flavor of the globalist crowd. The same ones who cheer dangerous mass migration from Muslim countries into the heart of Europe feel no great affinity to the Jewish state. As such, they are not embarrassed by throwing money at some of the most anti-Israel groups on the planet. Don’t worry, the Europeans do the same, but that is less surprising. American foreign aid and efforts should be to advance American interests, period. But much of what has been funded and encouraged by US agencies and departments is diametrically opposed to that which is good for the American people. Remember when the chief NASA administrator said that his top priority was outreach in Muslim countries? Where was that written in the NASA founding documents? It wasn’t but he understood what his job was in the Obama administration.

We are fortunate that our self-proclaimed globalist elite are for the most part, vain, dumb, and debauched. One should always be very careful not to underestimate an opponent. A former federal prosecutor wrote that for decades it did not matter if the local DA was a Democrat or Republican: their job was to put bad guys in jail. Then came George Soros and he realized that he could turn these seemingly boring jobs into drivers for his globalist goal of “restorative justice”: released criminals, no bail, fewer prosecutions. How many millions of Americans in large cities have suffered from heightened crime as a result of Soros DA policies? How often have we read about a re-arrested criminal having a long rap sheet and having only recently been released or not charged for a previous violent crime? Soros got what he wanted and the United States is far worse for it.

But many of those on the globalist merrygoround are enamored with the money, like Joe Biden who turned his vice-presidential office into a clearinghouse for raking in foreign money for the family. When the WEF meets in Davos, prostitution goes up. How many of the top globalists will be named in the Epstein files? How many of them claim that fossil fuel use is a danger to the world while traveling to Davos on private planes and living in huge houses or on massive yachts? If the debauched globalist set had been disciplined, they may have won. But since they used their positions to enrich themselves and engage their wildest dreams, they took their eye off of the ball. The re-election of Donald Trump as well as right-leaning movements in Europe and South America are signs that citizens are tired of being last when their governments make policies. Why should France take in more France-hating immigrants when French citizens have concerns for their safety and the country’s future? Globalist policies fail because they ignore the local. While an American can identify with his hometown, county, state and country, he finds it much harder to warm up to goals that please a global audience at his expense. Much of the green scam is meant to transfer trillions of dollars from advanced, successful countries to failed states. How does this advance my interests as an American citizen by sending trillions of US dollars to Africa? It doesn’t and it never was meant to.

The globalist elite are being revealed for the shameless frauds that they are. I don’t know if their days are numbered, but citizens throughout the world are demanding that their governments prioritize the needs of the locals over globe-spanning programs. While Democrats rail against Elon Musk and set Teslas on fire, most Americans are happy to see anti-American funding slashed and repurposed for the betterment of the United States of America.