Confirmation of President Donald Trump's nominee to be U.S. ambassador to Israel, Mike Huckabee, has been held up in the Senate. Word now is that hearings will be held next week.
What's holding things up? Pressure from Democrats, of course.
If anyone is qualified to be America's ambassador to Israel, it is Mike Huckabee. As the former two-term governor of Arkansas, where his daughter Sarah is the current governor, former Republican presidential candidate, cable TV celebrity, Baptist minister and Evangelical Christian, Huckabee is a perfect candidate.
Huckabee is a great American patriot who also loves the state of Israel and understands that the latter in no way diminishes the former. Rather, Huckabee's support of Israel is a consequence of his American patriotism because he understands the common principles that drive the success of both countries.
Huckabee has led countless missions to Israel, in which I have been a participant, and he knows the terrain and history of the Holy Land inside out.
So, what's the problem with the Democrats?
The problem is that Mike Huckabee is a friend of Israel and many Democrats are not.
What is driving this schism?
Opening any news/commentary site these days, one finds a plethora of soul-searching columns trying to figure out what's wrong with the Democratic Party. They were defeated across the board in 2024. Now Democrats are trying to regroup to rebuild. In order to do this, they need to understand what's wrong.
It's not so different from what any caring parents consider in raising their children. They want to convey values and principles that will serve to build a successful life and future.
Any party platform worth anything must do the same. It must contain policies that embody the principles upon which we can build today and secure our future as a nation.
Here is where Republicans and Democrats part company big time. One word: religion.
More and more Americans are leaving behind the principles of the Bible. Per Gallup, in 1960, 2% of Americans said they have no religion. In 2023, this was up to 22%.
Most Americans who think Biblical truth is not relevant to their life are Democrats. Again, per Gallup, in 2023, 61% of Republicans said they are religious compared to 37% of Democrats.
Democrats have become the party of woke, transgender, abortion and big government. Of course, anyone is free to choose what to believe. But to think this means there is no truth, sorry about that.
A country with no families, no children, no respect for private property -- which is what big government is about -- is a country with no future.
We're already showing the dangerous signs of this wrong road so many in our nation have chosen. A country with a declining population, disappearing family, and excessive government spending and debt is not exactly a model of a healthy present or future.
Back to Huckabee and Israel. The reason Democrat support for Huckabee is weak is because Democrat support for Israel is weak, and Democrat support for Israel is weak because Democrat support for religion is weak.
Per Gallup, among those who say they have no religious identity, over the period 2020-2024, 34% express more sympathy for Israel and 43% express more sympathy for the Palestinians.
In Gallup polling in February 2025, 33% of Democrats said they are very/mostly favorable to Israel compared to 83% of Republicans. And 45% of Democrats said they are very/mostly favorable to Palestinians compared to 18% of Republicans.
Let's be clear that expressing support for the Palestinians in Gaza is expressing support for Hamas, the murderous terrorist regime they have chosen as their leadership.
With the election of Trump, the terrorists no longer have reason to believe they have a sympathetic confused leftist in power in Washington.
Let's get on with it, Republicans. Let's get Mike Huckabee confirmed as America's man in Israel.
Star Parker is the founder of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education. Her recent book, "What Is the CURE for America?" is available now.