One can see an eerily similar phenomenon in both the Democratic Party and Islam, namely, there is no more middle countering excesses at the extremes.
Imagine a Clinton Democrat coming out of a coma just now. Before he can be taught about that “internet thing”, you ask him to summarize his political views:
*Abortion—safe, legal, and rare.
*Balanced budget/prudent spending
*Working man’s party
*Closed and monitored border
*Tough on crime, including drug crime
*Peace with minimal military intervention
*Working with Republicans for compromise
After you let the fellow surf around the internet for a few days, you have to break it to him: the party he described does not exist anymore. While the Pelosi/Schumer wing of the party is on its way out, the AOC branch is becoming ascendant. Their views and those of Democrats of 30 or more years back have nothing in common beyond them both being written in English. Abortion, for example, said Bill Clinton should be “rare”. Today, if the Democrats could, they would go for abortion, including some period after birth. The same is true for all issues: the Democrats of today are the fringe elements of the party from around the time of the Occupy Wall Street protests. Whereas then 15% of the party would be as far left as two left arms, today, the majority of the party does not like Israel, would welcome an open border, and can’t seem to find a war that it does not like. People like Bobby Kennedy, Jr., whom Joe Biden refused to give Secret Service protection, and Tulsi Gabbard, who was the head of the Democratic National Committee, find more in common with Donald Trump and the Republicans than they do with the party with which they were associated all of their lives.
One would find a similar phenomenon if one were to look at Islam in the West. Those protesting on campus and off are demanding the genocide of the Jewish people and the complete destruction of the state of Israel. They are not talking about nuance and two states; instead, they are demanding that all of those in the West either convert to Islam or prepare to live and die under a Sharia-based caliphate. They do not hide their intentions, and supposedly “normal” Muslim Brotherhood organizations like CAIR are fully on board with the “intifada revolution” and “from the river to the sea” mantras. You’ll find a field of four-leaf clovers before you find a middle-of-the-road Muslim or Democrat in the US. The UAE has banned CAIR because they understand what their nefarious goals are.
One could argue that the Republican Party has also gone to its extreme. MAGA is replacing the warm and fuzzy party of George W. Bush and Paul Ryan. And it is true that the Republican Party today more fully reflects the policy positions and philosophy of Donald Trump than it did in 2016 when he had only a handful of allies in Congress. Remember that it was “maverick” John McCain who scotched Trump’s efforts to pull the plug on Obamacare. So, yes, the Republicans are moving more towards the concepts first articulated by the Tea Party Movement, who succeeded in taking a few scalps before the arrival of Trump. But there is one difference.
The Republican Party today is MAGA because the Republican Party of previous generations produced no results. They seemed like Democrats-lite and made wars hither and yon, spent like drunken sailors, and were not too upset with jobs leaving the country and illegal aliens filling the country up. There was nothing very conservative in the way that pre-MAGA Republicans governed, and fed-up voters wanted something that worked for them. Unlike his predecessors, Donald Trump actually has American citizens in mind when he acts. Throwing out illegal alien criminals or demanding fairer trade will not make Trump rich, but it will make the lives of millions of Americans noticeably better. Whereas the Democrats ideologically moved left on virtually every issue, the Republicans got rid of their representative because they did not represent what their voters wanted.
When one looks at the super lefty Democrat and death-demanding Muslim marching on campus, he has a hard time putting them together. Each one represents that which is hated by the other. Muslims cannot stand homosexuality or trans; they would not accept women as leaders in their movement. They are not in favor of equal rights but rather Muslims running the show, with others as second-class citizens. Our blue-haired lefty sophomore would be shocked to see women in Gaza dressed head to toe, with some eye slits. They would be appalled by women with six or eight kids, who cannot leave the house independently. In either case, the lefty or the Muslim would not be willing to move over to the other’s culture. So what keeps them together? Their hatred of Jews. Their hatred of Israel. Their hatred of the US. Their hatred of the West. Jews who have done nothing to them and the US that has given them a life beyond description are elevated into enemies that must be destroyed. Their hatred is so great that the left is willing to ignore gays being thrown off of buildings while the Muslims are willing to ignore the Trans for Palestine marching with them. Their joint hatreds are enough to bond them even though they have nothing really in common.
Because Democrats and Muslims in the US have gone to extremes, there is no one with whom to work or even speak. Democrats do not want to work with Donald Trump or the Republicans but simply dedicate their efforts to stopping very popular programs like DOGE and kicking out illegal alien criminals. The Democrats are waiting for the Republicans to blow over, and then they figure they will return to their grift uninterrupted. Muslims harass Jews and demand that Israel cease to exist. They have no desire for any coexistence or even the US to remain a Sharia-noncompliant country. Until Democrats come to their senses in a few decades, the Republicans should expect to work alone. And as to non-American Muslims, if they violate their visa obligations, they should be given a one-way ticket home. Donald Trump and the Republicans will have to work alone to advance the interests of the American public, and removing those who hate the country that welcomed them would be a good first step in making America better.