Say what you will about Donald Trump, nobody can argue that he doesn’t possess an amazing superpower. Actually, he has several superpowers, but his most powerful may be the ability to convince his opponents to defend the least popular possible positions just because he supports them. Not just contrary positions, not just positions that reasonable people can disagree with, but insanely unpopular positions that all normal people look at and are repelled by. There’s not a garbage hill they won’t choose to die on. It’s an incredibly useful superpower to have.
Of course, the most recent one is the 80/20 polling proposition against men pretending to be women and being allowed into women’s intimate spaces to steal their athletic achievements. What lunatic would possibly take the position that it’s OK for some dude with the whole sausage store swinging to walk into your daughter’s locker room and expect to be called Martha? Well, it’s not just one lunatic. It’s a whole party of lunatics. This is a sacred Democrat belief, maybe its most sacred belief. Just the other day, every single Democrat senator voted to continue this nonsense. But in the real world, eight out of 10 normal people understand that it’s insane, and the other 20%, probably half of them, don’t agree with the majority because they can’t wrap their minds around the fact that it’s actually happening.
Of course, Trump opposes it, and of course, he rubbed it in their faces at that glorious not-State of the Union address the other night. Naturally, the Democrats highlighted their embrace of this bizarre, creepy fringe belief system right in front of 36 million Americans. It’s no wonder that 76% of the people who watched the thing supported the president. Politically, it’s just insane to draw the battle lines about weirdos and perverts, but the Democrats do it. It kind of tells you what their main constituency is – weirdos and perverts and the SSRI-ridden, Chardonnay wine Munchhausen Mommies that love them.
Embracing it makes absolutely no sense politically unless their entire focus is maintaining their psychotic leftist activist base. And, of course, their entire focus is maintaining their psychotic leftist activist base. You might think they would reach out in a systematic way to normal people, and some have tried. Gavin Newsom, the guy whose unalloyed support for kiddie castration and against penis-free female environments helped make California the sexual confusion capital of America, recently went on with Charlie Kirk and hinted that, well, you know, maybe it’s kinda unfair to let some hairy ape pretending to be a ballerina win the gold medal in a girl track meet. Don’t get the idea that he is actually going to do anything about it. California is still a gender freak state where every pervert is a king, and every normal person is liable to be leered at in the locker room – and, in his trash state, if you complain that some dude in a skirt is drooling over you while you slip on your panties, you’re a hate criminal. Other Democrats have realized that this is electoral cyanide, and they’ve tried to thread the needle by suggesting that maybe local governments should decide whether the perverts rule or not. They don’t think that about anything else, like abortion, just this, and they don’t really think it. If they get federal power back, you can be sure that the full force of law will come down in support of weirdo transvestites getting a free pass at exposing themselves to little girls.
Trump is somehow able to maneuver them into being all for such loathsome demographics as federal workers. Yeah, Americans feel sorry for the kind of person who tells them they can’t sign their VA form in blue ink. Not a lotta sympathy there. And Americans seem to like the idea of cutting government waste. Sure, the Democrats insist that we’re about to launch a Third World genocide by refusing to fully fund Ecuadorian transgender mime troupes, but normal people look at that and hear that it’s being cut, and they think it’s a good thing. This is because it is, objectively, a good thing. To support this stuff is, objectively, an insane thing.
Now, it’s not crazy in the sense that doing so does support the Democrat position that all normality and civilization must be overthrown in favor of the bizarre, creepy freak show utopia that they hope to impose upon us. It’s insane because it’s electoral poison. Look at what happened to Kamala Harris when she got up there and had to try and tap dance about subsidizing illegal alien transsexual surgeries. It’s hard to explain this sort of stuff, and it should be hard because this sort of stuff is stupid and horrific. A few Democrats understand that this stuff repels normal people. That’s their problem. And that’s Trump’s edge.
What’s the latest? Some Third World Muslim scumbag terrorist-lover who somehow got into our country and somehow got into one of our allegedly prestigious schools is using that as a base to demand the murder of Jews and everybody else. Remember – they don’t just want to stop killing all the Jews. They want to kill you and me, too. They will tell you that if you listen, and thanks to the fact that we have broken the gatekeeping model of the regime media, conservative media, and social media can now tell you. You can go read what this scumbag’s positions are. He wants October 7 all over the world. That means you and your kids and your sons and your daughters are being raped and murdered on videotape for the delight of Third World semi-humans. Yeah, we’re totally morally obligated to let this creature onto our soil.
It’s been said before: The Constitution is not a suicide pact.
Now, the reasonable position among Americans is that this kind of walking, talking pile of refried goat excrement shouldn’t be anywhere near our country. It’s not a matter of free speech. You don’t get to come here and start setting up your garbage revolution. Do the Democrats agree with that view? No. They’re perfectly happy to let the genocidal jihadi to do his thing. In this monster, they have finally found some “free speech” they’re concerned with protecting. They were never concerned with free speech on campus when it was conservatives trying to speak freely. They were never concerned when the federal government launched a pogrom against normal Americans who went to protest a bogus election and dared to walk through the Capitol that they own. Even now, Democrats are positively gleeful that Elon Musk’s participation in our government is being met by leftist-funded terrorists burning down Tesla stores. But this Hamas-sucking mutant who literally wants to murder you and your entire family? No, he’s got to be here. He’s got to get a free megaphone. He has every right to come here and destroy our country and kill your kids. Because of reasons and shut up, fascist.
That’s the Democrat position. But why do they hold such a manifestly politically unpopular position? Because that’s what the black, shriveled heart of the Democrat Party believes. And also because Donald Trump feels differently. One thing is for certain – Donald Trump’s superpower is in full effect, and right now, he’s laughing.
Follow Kurt on Twitter @KurtSchlichter. Get the newest volume in the Kelly Turnbull People’s Republic series of conservative action novels set in America after a notional national divorce, the bestselling Amazon #1 Military Thriller, Overlord! And get his new novel about terrorism in America, The Attack!