Males Have Absolutely No Place With Women On The Playing Filed Or In Competitive Sports

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Last month, President Donald Trump signed an executive order called the “No Men in Women’s Sports Executive Order,” which prohibits transgender women and girls from competing in female sports. As stated in the order, allowing men to compete in women’s sports “is demeaning, unfair, and dangerous to women and girls, and denies women and girls the equal opportunity to participate and excel in competitive sports.” Trump is exactly right, and it is time to put this ridiculous issue to rest and to protect female athletes. 

Female student-athletes have been unfairly forced to compete against biological boys/men who identify as girls/women for far too long and have suffered too much already. There are many examples, including those involving Riley Gaines, Payton McNabb, and Selina Soule, a track star at Bloomfield High School in Connecticut, who was unable to qualify for regionals in the 55-meter run because two spots were taken by biological boys who identified as girls and who ran faster. Other examples can be found here, here, and here.

As recently reported in Breitbart, McNabb, a high school volleyball player who was seriously injured by a transgender athlete who spiked the ball in her face, was recently expelled from her college sorority, Delta Zeta, after she “spoke out about a male using the women’s bathroom at her school.” According to The Daily Signal:

The sorority Delta Zeta expelled McNabb on May 20, 2024, finding her guilty of violating the sorority’s “Anti-Bullying Policy” and engaging in “Moral-Prejudicial Conduct.” The bullying violation involves any activity “reasonably perceived as being dehumanizing, intimidating, hostile, threatening, or otherwise likely to evoke fear of physical harm or emotional distress.” The prejudicial conduct violation involves conduct that may bring the sorority “into disrepute.” 

Astonishingly, not only was McNabb injured by a male athlete, but her sorority also kicked her out because she raised concerns about a male using the women’s bathroom. This is unacceptable on both fronts.

These examples reflect a recurring and concerning trend where female athletes are being forced to compete against men, losing opportunities to men, and facing the threat of serious injury or death at the hands of male athletes who should not be competing against them. While Democrats assert that efforts to ban such conduct unfairly target transgender student-athletes, others correctly assert that they are necessary to protect women’s sports, provide female athletes the same opportunities as their male counterparts enjoy, and prevent female athletes from the unnecessary yet real, risk of serious injury or death at the hands of their male counterparts.

Recently, senators had the opportunity to vote on the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act, the purpose of which was to prevent biological males from competing in women’s and girls’ sports. As reported by Fox News, not a single Democrat voted in favor of this bill. In opposing the bill, Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill. Stated:  

"Put yourself in the shoes of these families for just a moment. Imagine being the parent of a trans kid and telling your child they are not allowed to play on the same sports team as their friends at school because a politician said they couldn’t.

"It’s that personal, it’s that important, and [because of Republicans] we’re going to vote to give someone unspecified the right to physically inspect a girl or a young woman if the other opposing team accuses them of being transgender. My goodness."

Other Democrats also provided various talking points about why they opposed the bill. For example, Sen. Gary Peters, D-Mich. Stated, "This is not really an issue like in Michigan. People are going to realize that it’s really been an issue that Republicans have been trying to exploit." Senator Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis., stated, "Simply put: it’s not the federal government’s place to tell state and local sports leagues across the country how to do their jobs. I, for one, trust our state and local leagues to craft thoughtful policy where parents and players can be involved in the discussion about what is best for our children without interference from the President or Congress." Other Democrats referred to this issue as small or non-existent

Fortunately, many states have proposed or passed laws banning transgender student-athletes from competing in the “category” they identify with. As expected, opponents have filed legal challenges to such bans, arguing, in part, that they are discriminatory. Such challenges have also been lodged against Trump’s executive order. Ultimately, the Supreme Court might be asked to consider this/these issue(s).

Notwithstanding the legalities of such bans, no doubt allowing transgender males to compete against biological women has had a significant negative impact on female athletes. A review of the statistics on SheWon.org reflects just how many women have been displaced by males participating in women’s sports and other competitions. Women have also sustained serious injuries at the hands of male competitors, such as McNabb, who suffered a concussion, brain bleed, two black eyes, and a traumatic brain injury, which continues to impact her daily life. 

No compelling reason why a biological male should compete against a biological female. When viewed in totality, the risks of permitting such conduct far outweigh any hypothetical benefits. Most Americans agree on this. According to the New York Post, a recent New York Times/Ipsos survey reflected that “the vast majority of Americans, including a majority of Democrats, don’t think transgender athletes should be permitted to compete in women’s sports.”

While most Americans agree on this issue, it will ultimately be up to the courts to decide whether and to what extent they will protect biological women in this context. Hopefully, for the benefit of the many hard-working and dedicated female athletes and the protection of women’s sports now and in the future, the courts get it right.          

Mr. Hakim is an attorney and columnist. His articles have been published in The Washington Examiner, The Daily Caller, The Federalist, Townhall, Write Revolution News, and other online publications. He has also appeared on OANN’s Tipping Point, Newsmax, Steadfast and Loyal Podcast with Allen West, and Real America’s Voice. The views expressed herein are the author’s own and do not constitute legal advice.