Last week’s Ukrainian clusterfark in the Oval Office, when that little twerp decided he was going to show off for his fans and got slapped around, should be an important lesson to Americans who haven’t spent time living overseas. Those of us who lived there, as opposed to just visiting, already understand. The European elites hate us. Although they don’t want us necessarily murdered or killed, they resent America to the core of their being because they know that without us, Europe would be a footnote. These people can’t even keep their own women from being assaulted by the Third World barbarians they import into their countries to redo the demographics. Their rulers thought they could create a new slave class to keep them in power forever, but they miscalculated. The cosmopolitan Europeans themselves would’ve eagerly been that slave class. Europeans are a broken and degraded people. They’re jealous of us for being men, and they should be.
As my mom, the daughter of a Scottish immigrant, often observed, “All the good ones left.”
There’s nothing more hysterical than a liberal here in America who thinks that because they’ve gone to visit London or Paris or Berlin or Rome, they know Europe and understand it. They haven’t gone anywhere. They’ve stayed within the same bubble they’re in here, it’s just overseas, slightly better dressed, and they smoke inside. It’s the same mindless globalist nonsense. They never hear anything different. They never see anything different. Every European they meet regurgitates the same bullSchiff attitudes and insights that they get here in DC or Santa Monica. They believe that’s how Europe feels, but if you get out and meet regular people outside the European cities, then you often hear something a little different. They are completely opposed to the idea of committing ritual suicide on the altars of the climate hoax and of pacifying Third World barbarians. As usual, they’re the ones who get asked to pay the price for the moral posturing of their alleged betters, and they’re getting tired of it. But it’s not like they have a say. Their elite has a great idea for how to preserve democracy, with democracy being defined as them remaining in unchallenged power. You simply make it illegal, informally and sometimes formally, to dissent and be heard if you have an opinion outside the very narrow bounds of what they define as the mainstream. Look at what just happened in Romania. The guy who got the most votes just got arrested after his victory was overturned. Why? Well, they labeled him a “right-wing extremist.” Is he a right-wing extremist? I don’t know. Does it matter? I mean, he got the votes. Aren’t you allowed to be a right-wing extremist? But the answer is “no.” No, you’re not allowed to be what they define as a right-wing extremist. In their version of democracy, you can be anything you want as long as it’s anything they want.
And Europeans aren’t hiding their fascism. They think this is a good thing. They think it’s a positive thing to arrest people for saying stuff. Look at England, despite Keir Starmer’s lie about it being a free country. If you say something to the effect of they ought to send all these Third World barbarians home, you’re going to get a knock on the door from the cops. They’re not so much denying that they’re against free speech as saying it’s a good thing to be against it. This is an actual positive in their view.
And look in Germany. They just had an election where the main conservative party won. The main conservative party beat an upstart – wait for it – right-wing extremist party that integrated the feelings of millions of Germans who were sick of being invaded by Third World barbarians. The conservative party announced that it was going to stop the immigration flow and, presumably, a lot of people stuck with it instead of going with the upstart AFD. And as soon as the conservative party won, it immediately repudiated its promise. No, it’s not going to shut the border. So, the idea of democracy in the countries we are supposed to bleed and die to protect is that they are looking for freedom to choose whatever their elite chooses for them. Not exactly inspirational. Not exactly something that most Americans want to squander our blood and treasure to protect.
It’s only the Americans who have blood and treasure to expand. Europe used to have real armies. I remember them while serving in NATO during the Cold War. It’s not clear that Germany can field an infantry division today. Great Britain has about two dozen functioning tanks. We’ve got bigger police forces than some of their armies. But that’s OK because Uncle Sucker has been writing checks for the last 80 years. They’re mad that he’s decided to shut the checkbook. Gratitude? That’s where Donald Trump and JD Vance were misguided. We are never going to get gratitude from people we humiliate by subsidizing. Every time they take our money in their soft, girlish hands, it is an admission of their inferiority, and that infuriates them. Oh, they get past it and cash the check, but they know they are our inferiors, and it gnaws them. As it should.
If we ever want a good relationship with Europe, step one is to cut them off.
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