An Act of Desperation by the Democrats

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Well we knew that it would come to this.  Hillary Clinton, the most dishonest, corrupt, and despicable politician in American history to ever run for the highest office in the land, would stoop to comparing former President Donald Trump of being enamored with the Nazi Party of pre-World War II Germany.

In today’s political landscape it is difficult to levy a more despicable accusation against an opponent than to compare them to the fascist Nazi regime under Adolph Hitler.  A regime that we fought a war costing millions of lives to rid the world of.  Comparing a politician to being a Nazi is by association accusing those who support that politician of themselves being Nazis.  Which is at least half the country’s population of three hundred forty-six million people.  Well I have two words for Hillary Clinton, along with any other Democrat who makes that hateful and despicable comparison.  But forbearance prevents me from sharing those words here.  

Fortunately, other than a fringe group of fanatical followers and the corrupt legacy news media who hang on her every word, few real Americans pay any attention to what Hillary Clinton has to say any longer.  Hillary is old news, she simply has no place in American politics anymore.  Periodically she will release another book in a desperate attempt to regain relevancy, but poor Hillary’s time has passed.  No one cares what she has to say.  At least no one of any consequence.

It is becoming more and more obvious that Democrats are fearing that the election in which they put all their eggs into the Kamala Harris basket may be slipping away.  Everyone knows that Harris is uniquely unqualified to even run a neighborhood lemonade stand, much less hold the highest office in not only this country, but truly in the world.

As a result Democrats are pulling out all stops to prevent President Trump from returning to the White House.  Former President Barack Hussein Obama has joined the fray trying to appear folksy during some campaign appearances he has made, while trying to chastise black men for bailing out on Harris during others.

Unfortunately Obama simply isn’t the ‘folksy’ type, he’s much more inclined to be the preachy type.  We all can remember his eight years in office when he sadly often made veiled accusations of racism against many of his fellow Americans, simply because they didn’t follow his own ideology.  An ideology which he carefully concealed during his first campaign for president back in 2008 when he promised to “fundamentally transform” our country.

There’s a reason why back in 2015, Obama’s last year in office, many people will recall that I began to say “no communist regime has ever willingly just given up power”.  A phrase I repeated often in the years since during Joe Biden’s four years in office (which we all know was in reality Obama’s third term).  Minus the four years President Trump was in office when America regained her senses and returned to the free market, capitalist country that was the envy of the world.

What is happening now with campaign appearances by all of these leftist liberal entertainment personalities supporting Kamala Harris is in reality nothing more than very wealthy Hollywood and music industry elites looking out for their own interests.  None of them will be affected by the policies that Kamala Harris (Barack Obama) supports.

It’s only the little people, the great unwashed as the elites view us who will suffer the consequences of the radical, far left policies that Harris (Obama) will try to enact once elected.  That’s partly how you control a population, you make them dependent on government (taxpayer) assistance for their very survival.  Ask the millions of illegal aliens who have entered the United States the last three and a half years.

The bottom line is that nobody really cares what Hillary Clinton, Oprah, Bruce Springfield, or any other so-called ‘celebrity’ has to say about any political issue.  Most are minimally educated and have no real understanding of complex issues anyway.  They follow the crowd of other ‘celebrities’ with no real understanding of what is at stake for regular Americans.  They simply can’t relate, and don’t really care anyway.

Watch for the “Nazi” accusations to continue right up until Election Day.  Along with more denunciations from former Trump Administration officials who are ticked off that Trump fired them because they couldn’t think outside of the box they have resided in for decades during their military or government service.

Contrary to what Hillary alleges, there are no fascists or Nazis running in this election.  But there sure are some Marxists looking to “fundamentally transform” America.