
Vapid Celebrities for Kamala Harris

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You probably didn’t watch the Kamala Harris and Oprah Winfrey “Pretend we can relate to normal people” livestream, in which every participant was a campaign donor and all questions, as few as there actually were, were screened and scripted. Since you didn’t, and who could blame you? I thought I’d highlight some of what was said to show just how out-of-touch and different from normal Americans everyone in Kamala’s orbit truly is.

First, Oprah. Remember at the Democratic Convention when speaker after speaker complained about how bad billionaires are? They meant Donald Trump and Elon Musk, but they weren’t specific. The DNC featured many billionaires, as there are many people who’ve inherited fortunes without ever having worked a job, sending them into politics out of boredom and a sense of superiority. Weird how “their billionaires” aren’t the problem, and all the money “their billionaires” spend is not only justified, it’s somehow righteous. 

But Oprah was Oprah. Being a smart businesswoman doesn’t make you smart. In fact, the more money people earn, the further they get from reality – and Oprah has no touch of reality at this point. 

Then there was everyone else. 

Here’s what Chris Rock (net worth $60 million) said: “I’ve always been a fan of Kamala. Even back when she was running for… I remember writing her a check when she was the district attorney for something. Maybe it was to get out of a parking ticket or something. I’ve been writing a check for a long time. And I just want to bring my daughters to the White House to meet this black woman president. That’s the reason. I think she would make a great president. And I’m ready to turn the page, man. All the negativity. It’s got to stop.”

He will get access to the White House so his kids can meet Kamala, will you? He’s rich and connected, are you? He will proudly vote because of the skin color of a candidate and brag about it, and somehow that’s not racist. Weird, right?

Then came Ben Stiller (net worth $200 million), who said: “But it was… it was really… I mean, it was great, though, because everybody was so energized. And I mean, I got to go to the convention and see her speech, which was incredible. And feeling that energy, you know, feeling kind of going from a stop Trump mode into a go Kamala mode. The people are starting to really hear what it’s about. And, you know, I have a 22-year-old daughter and the 19-year-old son who is going to be voting in his first election. My daughter’s, you know, her reproductive rights are incredibly important.”

It's somewhat weird to see a father talk about how he wants his daughter to have an abortion if she can’t handle the burden of birth control or acting responsibly, but Democrats have no shame.

George Takei was there too, but he’s hardly a celebrity anymore and someone you should really feel sorry for, honestly. He and his family were stripped of their belongings and sent to internment camps by Democrats, and he’s spent his whole life since sucking up to them. OK, don’t feel bad for him; he’s a jackass.

Meryl Streep (net worth a paltry $100 million) added: “I’m just… I wanted to ask you… God, I can’t believe I had this opportunity. I probably never will again. I have a little Debbie Downer moment because, actually, I think you’re going to win. I’m sure you’re going to win. But what happens when you win, and he doesn’t accept it? And you know there will be this long slog of shenanigans. And I’m wondering how we get to that moment, how we preserve certification on January 6th, because if it doesn’t happen, it’ll be maybe thrown back to the legislatures of the states.”

Her knowledge of civics and reality is demonstrated hilariously in that quote. You know you have to be smart to make it rich in America, but you don’t have to be so stupid either.

Then Julia Roberts (net worth $250 million) told viewers: “Well, first of all, Oprah, thank you for hosting this, because I guess if I started a voting club, it would be conversationalists. Because to talk, to listen, to be heard, to have this back and forth is so unique in this campaign to beautiful, wonderful Kamala Harris, who I’ve had the good fortune of knowing for many years.”

Of course, she knows Kamala – rich liberals all roll in the same circles. And don’t you just love how Julia talks about a “conversation” that involves exclusively people who all think the same? Only speaking with people who agree with you is not a conversation; it’s verbal masturbation. 

Then again, that’s so much of what the left is nowadays – an echo chamber of self-love. Someone has to love them, I guess. But maybe if they weren’t such miserable people, they wouldn’t be alone in the first place. My problem isn’t who or how they screw or that they screw up their own little worlds; it’s that they want to take everyone else down while knowing they are insulated from the major impacts of the horrible things they push. They could all live how they want to force on us but won’t. That should tell you everything you need to know about these people and why beating them at every level of the ballot is so damned important.