With the news industry behaving like a kicked-over anthill regarding Joe Biden videos, we will look at the amazingly partisan spin merchants in the press doing the bidding of the administration.
Low-Octane Gaslighting – CBS NEWS
This is just brazenly biased coverage of the administration it’s supposed to hold accountable.
It was one thing for the White House and the Biden campaign to come out with laughably weak claims that the damaging videos of President Silver Alert were “false” or “lies.” But to see the press come out in force and continue broadcasting this ridiculous “Don’t Believe Your Lying Eyes” narrative is disgraceful.
Leading this pack of shameful displays is CBS News, which goes on at length to explain to the masses that the videos we have all seen are false reports and “Cheap Fakes.” This is the press taking up the cause for the administration rather than demanding answers and explanations for what is happening.
As “evidence” of these fake videos, it showed the clip of Joe Biden trundling away from the other world leaders at the G7 Summit and needing to be corralled back into the fold by Italy’s Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. CBS tells us that Biden did not wander off, you see him walk over to speak with one of the troop on site. Making this laughable is that no one was suggesting he drifted off into the wildness for no reason, it was that he was distracted and peeled away from the gathering he was supposed to be a part of, indicated by the Italian leader drawing him back into the fold. This is simply weak, pathetic spin merchant behavior from the press.
“Accurate videos that we cannot dispute will now be classified with a new term to allow us to dismiss without committing journalism.”
— Brad Slager - Scrubbing Down In a Bloodbath (@MartiniShark) June 19, 2024
— @CBSNews
This is a new low of media hackery evolving before our eyes. https://t.co/LC7z4rxr2F
Gilded Reframe – CBS NEWS
Ummmm, you were JUST complaining about outlets delivering inaccurate videos…
For that first entry, I had to use my own post because the CBS News account deleted its entry with that news segment. This is because it put up the wrong video clip in its reporting of incorrect video clips.
An earlier post was removed as it included the wrong version of a video. This version has been updated to include the correct clip and label on the edited video.
— CBS News (@CBSNews) June 19, 2024
Prose & Contradiction – CNN
Say, Brian? We’re going to need you to pick one here, buddy…
Perhaps there is no better example of how much the press is tied up in a knot over these videos than this analysis from expert media analyst Brian Stelter. While visiting his former haunts at CNN, Stelter attempts to have it both ways. He declares Biden’s visible actions are a genuine issue for him, the administration, and his campaign — but these clips Republicans share are fraudulent.
To reiterate Stelter’s stunted point: Biden’s problems are real, but the videos displaying these real problems are fake.
Make sense of this if you can, because Stelter is making no sense at all.
Two Bidens: Some of us are watching long, complete speeches by the president. Others just watching short, out of context clips on social media. Two audiences are seeing two very different reflections. pic.twitter.com/fg8Sle9qpK
— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) June 19, 2024
Citing them for the term you coined for them to use…is…certainly interesting.
With shades of the Steele Dossier “confirmed” by courts when the press reported on the files the FBI had fed them, Karine Jean-Pierre responded to questions in the White House briefing about the slew of Biden videos. She declared these videos were “cheap fakes” — the term her office used over the weekend to spin away these clips — by stating that this was proven because the press called them fake…at the direction of the White House:
They are 'cheap fakes' video, they are done in bad faith, and some of your news organization have been very clear, have stressed that these right-wing critics of the president have a credibility problem. This is something coming from your part of the world, calling them cheap fakes and misinformation.
'He's Fine?' Journo Shares Unintentionally Revealing Moment From Exchange With KJP on ‘Cheap Fakes’ Issue https://t.co/rUhl6CvC9G
— Gene Raymond (@chewie1238) June 19, 2024
Matching Media Memorandum – VARIOUS OUTLETS
Seems like a purely organic explosion of the use of that term.
To illustrate just how rabidly willing the press has been to tote the water for the Democrats and the Biden administration, Tom Elliot of Grabien looked into the frequency of this term being used and it appears the description of “cheap fakes” is a real preference in the press.
ORDERS RECEIVED: In the last 3 days, the corporate media has spent 49 hours circulating the White House's "cheap fakes" talking point pic.twitter.com/1R3tPmm7To
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) June 19, 2024
Presentation Paradox – CNN
Now…who will be blamed for THIS video of his issues?!
Considering all of the revisionist reporting we have witnessed, it will be deeply interesting to see how the blame gets distributed for this one! Amid all the tumult of Biden’s diminishing faculties, he was giving a presser, surrounded by Democrat sycophants, and delivered the newest example of his decrepitude.
We cannot wait to find out how the Republicans are responsible for this latest “fake” clip of Biden slurring unintelligibly, as it comes to us from a LIVE news report broadcasted on CNN.
This might be the final blow.
— Buzz Patterson (@BuzzPatterson) June 18, 2024