Here is a recent headline from Breitbart: “Estab Media: AOC New Dem Hope; Calls Grow for Leadership to Go; Far Left Party to Get Even More Radical?” The answer to the last question is almost surely “yes” for reasons I will note in this article. They aren’t going to stop moving left, folks, because they HAVE no logical stopping place, given their worldview and philosophy.
That the media and others in the Democratic Party are calling for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to take the leadership in the Democratic Party possibly does, indeed, indicate just how radical that party has become. AOC is crazy. Listen to her sometime. That woman is totally, 100% governed by emotion; she hasn’t a rational brain cell in her head. She is probably dumber and more fanatical—if that’s possible right now—than Kamala Harris. And yet, I have seen more than one headline/story—serious stories—that indicate she might run for the Democratic Party’s nomination for President in 2028. That isn’t impossible because the radical Left in the party continues to push farther and farther away from any kind of decent, civilized norm. Where—when—will they finally stop? They will only stop when they are totally crushed or when they have destroyed the country and/or the world. Because they don’t believe there is any final moral stopping point except what they create. And if you have been paying attention, the “moral stopping point they create” keeps getting farther away from traditional civilized behavior.
The Worldwide Left and that includes the far Left of the American Democratic Party, which has substantially captured the party now, is a godless, anti-Christian, anti-religious, anti-tradition, anti-American philosophy. It is based on secular, God-denying ideas of the French Enlightenment (study what happened when they gained control of the French Revolution), and the 19th century hypotheses of Charles Darwin and Karl Marx. Atheism gained ascendancy in Leftist intellectual circles.
Atheistic philosophers and scientists gained control of the Darwinian theory. “God is unnecessary,” Julian Huxley said. “Darwin made it possible to become an intellectually fulfilled atheist,” Oxford evolutionary scientist Richard Dawkins beamed. Darwin (supposedly) “proved” that everything in existence has arrived by “naturalistic” means, and “naturalism” excludes “SUPERnaturalism,” which means no God. “We can’t let a divine foot in the door” of our materialistic worldview, Harvard evolutionary atheist Richard Lewontin informed us.
Marx, of course, was radically atheistic. “My object is to dethrone God.” “Communism begins where atheism begins.” These three historical movements—the French (not the American) Enlightenment, Darwinism, and Marxism- have become the foundation of modern leftism and have captured much of the “zeitgeist” of Western Civilization. The media certainly views the world through these lenses, as did John Dewey, the “prophet” of the modern American education system.
Leftist ideology—the Enlightenment, Darwin, and Marx—has been educationally dominant in America for the last several generations, and we are seeing the fruits of that now. We’ve seen it elsewhere worldwide for over 100+ years, but Americans never learn anything from history.
“If there is no God, then everything is permitted.” Both Dostoevsky and Sartre (among others) argued this point irrefutably. Atheism has no moral absolutes. They will scream and curse and foam at the mouth when that is suggested, and many of them have desperately attempted to find SOME final limitation upon human actions. But they’ve never succeeded, and logically, they can’t succeed. If, as Darwin theorized, everything is constantly evolving, including humanity, then how can moral standards NOT be evolving, too? Marx said they were—even incest and slavery were “justified” in their historical context. With no God, the final standard becomes humanity. But which human, and at what period in history, will we let dictate the moral standard we will all accept? Hitler? Lenin? Stalin? Mao? Pelosi? Why is one human’s “standard” any better than another’s? And the consequences of the Left’s “absolute” humanly-devised moral standard are plain—just ask the hundreds of millions of innocent people tortured, oppressed, and murdered by the Left over the past 100 years. Their hypocritical actions speak far louder than their enchanting words.
This is why the radical Left of the Democratic Party will never stop pushing moral “standards” farther and farther into oblivion—who decides where to draw the line? Last year, it was Kamala. In 2028, AOC? Where do they go from there?
This is also why Leftists are globalists. That is, of course, what the Marxist ideology teaches, a worldwide socialist revolution: “Workers of the world unite!” So, again, there can be no stopping point for the Left until they gain control of the whole world and force their vision of Utopia on the rest of us. The Democratic Party has opened and wants to continue to open the American border to all peoples because a border means a standard, a place to stop, and a line drawn, and the Left HAS no standards, no stopping points, and no lines. The open border is perfectly in harmony with the Democratic Leftist's philosophy, not just to hopefully create more Democratic Party voters, but because they, by the very definition inherent in their philosophy, do not believe in any lines drawn anywhere—except by them, arbitrarily, when it is necessary to do so for them to gain and control power. And that “standard” has cost countless millions of people around the world their lives, people who OPPOSED the standard capriciously set up by Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, American abortionists and child mutilators, etc.
AOC for President in 2028? Why not? She is about as radical as they come in the Democratic Party now, and that party keeps going, full-steam ahead, in that direction. Where will they stop? They won’t until they are forced to because their atheistic philosophy has no ultimate stopping point. The world! That’s what they want, and anybody who gets in their way will discover exactly what atheistic morality truly entails.
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