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Civil War? Part One.

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AP Photo/Ben Curtis

We are already in a civil war, two entities fighting for control of the government.  It’s not a shooting war—yet—it’s a cultural and ideological war between those who love America and want to keep her traditions of limited government, virtuous republicanism, and Judeo-Christian morality alive, against an enemy who hates America and wants to turn it into a licentious, morally putrid, Marxist totalitarian state.  There is a war going on, all right, and only time will determine if it will turn into a real shooting conflict.


The Left is angry, infuriated, and they are full of hate right now (as always).   The Left, by definition, has no conscience; nobody who murders babies, mutilates children for sexual perverts, or lets men beat up women for sporting pleasure, has one iota of decency, morality, or goodness in their bones.  The Left, given its history with Lenin, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Pol Pot, etc., believes in violence; some Leftists in America have already been advocating violence against Mr. Trump.  What will the Left do?  How far away are they from starting a true, violent civil war?  

They aren’t going to give up and they aren’t going to change.  There isn’t going to be any mass Saul of Tarsus into Paul the apostle conversions here.  America is a divided country now, ideologically worse than it has ever been divided before.  And this isn’t going to change any time soon.  Indeed, it will take at least two generations TO change it because the current millennials have already been indoctrinated into godless Leftism, and they will teach their children the same thing.  While patriotic, God-fearing Americans slept, the Left stole the education system for several decades, and we now see the result in the current Democratic Party and Leftist hate-America decadence.  We didn’t get into this horror overnight, and we aren’t going to get out of it overnight.  Unless and until patriotic Americans take over the education system, and start re-educating America’s youth in the values of traditional America, we’ll never save the country.  And the Left will fight us all the way.


But I am concerned about the Left’s coming reaction to their current plight.  Are they going to just sit back and take it?   Will they only fight politically, at the ballot box?  How long before these people, who have no conscience or self-control, erupt into uncontrollable torrents of hatred and real physical violence?  

Is another shooting civil war inevitable?

Leftists don’t believe in God, at least the traditional God of America, the one of Judeo-Christian heritage.  Each Leftist creates his/her own “god” and makes their own rules for their own behavior.   And people who make their own rules are extremely dangerous because they have no standards of action except their own personal beliefs, their own judgment of right and wrong.  They’ll murder babies and mutilate children if THEY think it is “right” and acceptable behavior.  This has been Leftism for the past 250 years.  Robespierre, Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and others Leftists operated on the same basis—they set their own rules, and thought it was acceptable to murder hundreds of millions of people to create the Utopia they wanted to create.  That’s the “moral standard” of modern Leftism.

American Leftists are no different from Leftists any other place on earth—a Leftist is a Leftist is a Leftist is a globalist totalitarian.  Look at current Europe.  Does anyone honestly believe American Leftists, Democrats, are different?   Leftists will do whatever they can get away with.  They are bottled up right now, but if they ever return to power, I fear their determination will be, “we have to make sure nothing like Trump EVER happens again.”  The frightening question is, what will they do to obtain power?  And once they have the power they craved, they’ve proven across the globe that they’ll stop at nothing to fulfill their goals.  


Civil war might be the least of our worries.

I strongly disagree with most of what Franklin Roosevelt did (I wasn’t alive then), and I disapproved of much of what Lyndon Johnson did (I WAS alive then), but I’ve never thought either man was deliberately trying to destroy America or change the country into a stinking, decadent cesspool of ungodly Marxist putridity like today’s Democrats are attempting to do.  FDR, LBJ, and the Democrats of yesteryear weren’t intentionally endeavoring to wipe out the nuclear family and Judeo-Christian moral values, though neither FDR nor LBJ had the intelligence or far-sightedness to understand what the consequences of many of their policies would be.  

But today’s Leftist, today’s Democratic Party leadership is completely different.  They are totally anti-Christianity and anti-traditional American values of a virtuous, free republic.  Their world outlook and philosophy is such that they are determined to destroy both Christianity and traditional America.  Average Democrats can’t, or won’t, see it, but such is the goal of Democratic Party hierarchy.  And make no mistake about that.  They fully intend to change America into their utopian vision of what they think the country ought to be.  And that vision does NOT include the Christian God and Madisonian republicanism.   And freedom for you.


Today’s Democratic Party is very different from that of FDR, JFK, LBJ, and is certainly not the party of Andrew Jackson, Grover Cleveland, William Jennings Bryan, or Woodrow Wilson.  The Left now doesn’t believe what these men believed and don’t want what they wanted.  They would reject Grover Cleveland and even JFK.  The Democrats today do not want my America; they don’t even want the America of their own party 100 years ago.

What’s the solution?  There is one, short of civil war, but it’s not a solution any of us want.  But I’ll discuss it in an upcoming article.

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