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Climate Change, Thailand Style

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AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais

The Left knows and understands virtually nothing about history. To them, EVERYTHING has to be interpreted within their narrow, current snapshot view of history, and thus the Bible, ancient history, the Founding Fathers, Christopher Columbus—all are interpreted through their ideologically warped lens.

I've lived in Thailand for two and a half years now. This winter, we’ve had, by far, the coolest weather, over the longest stretch of time, since I've been here. There has certainly been no "global warming" since I arrived here, unless you consider cooler weather as "climate change." But, of course, to the Left “cooler weather” is a sign of “global warming,” the effect man and technology are having on earth’s climate. It is as false as everything else the Left believes. And thank the Lord that President Trump has withdrawn America from that globalist, Marxist Paris climate change hoax. Oh, it’s so nice to have a President again, one who loves America!

Please note the following quote:

“Snows are less frequent and less deep. They often do not lie below the mountains more than one, two, or three days and very rarely a week. They are remembered to be formerly frequent, deep, and of long continuance. The elderly inform me that the earth used to be covered with snow about three months every year. The rivers, which then seldom failed to freeze over in the course of the winter, scarcely ever do now. This changes…in the spring of the year is very fatal to fruits…I remember that when I was a small boy, say 60 years ago, snows were frequent and deep in every winter.”

Climate change, right? Al Gore would say, “yeah, yeah!” The problem is, that quote is from Thomas Jefferson in 1799, long before “man” and “industry” started to “affect” the “climate” in the 20th century. We know from history that the 18th century was a warmer century, coming out of the “Little Ice Age” in the mid-second millennium, which followed the “Medieval Warming Period,” which every competent historian knows about. It was a period warmer than now, beneficial to mankind, and couldn’t have been caused by man’s industry.

The climate is always changing, all over the world, all through history. Sometimes certain areas on earth get warmer for extensive stretches while other locations may experience temperature decline, colder as the longer trend. But that is history (and science). And earlier fluctuations of heat and cold could not possibly have been caused by any industry or technology of man. At best, modern Al Gore “global warming” proponents must provide a clear distinction, clear evidence that any current warming is “man caused,” and then explain why earlier warming cycles in history were not “man caused.” And then tell me why Pattaya, Thailand is colder this year than it was 2 years ago.

It is Leftist ideology, not true science, which attributes any current “climate change” to the activity of man. “Climate change” is another part of the Left’s multi-faceted globalist agenda—to shift as much power away from people (“freedom”) into the hands of government bureaucrats and tyrants. This is exactly, and only, what “man-made climate change” is all about.  

Interestingly, there is a debate going on right now in astronomical circles about whether Mars and Pluto (and perhaps other planets) are also experiencing warming; some scientists say “no,” there is no such warming, but some hedge and say, “well, but if there is, it is being caused by different reasons than warming on earth.” Can’t very well blame Mars warming on human activity, can we.  

It is getting increasingly difficult to believe “science” on anything today because, like just about every other educational discipline (including my own, history), it has been captured by Leftist ideologues. Climate change, transgenderism, mask wearing, Covid vaccines—science has become, in too many instances, ideological and a tool of the Left to further its agenda. Scientists are human, too, and if Leftist administrators demand Leftist nonsense be published to get grant money or to be accepted in “peer reviewed journals,” well, there aren’t many college professors who will buck the system. “Publish or perish,” and publish the politically-correct line. Or out you go. That’s global warming/climate change.

Nobody knows what the weather is going to do tomorrow. But the government can tell us what it will be like 100 years from now. And can change it! Yes, it’s possible earth is in a warming trend that will last for a few centuries. The Medieval Warming Period apparently lasted for a few hundred years, as did the “Little Ice Age” that followed. So, a warming period might be happening. Or the trend could change tomorrow and head back towards cooler weather. We don’t know. It’s not up to man to decide, it’s up to nature.

So, climate change, Thailand style. This is my third winter here, and it has been, by far, the coolest since I arrived and for the longest stretch of time. What does that mean for Thailand’s future climate expectations? Absolutely nothing. I’m not a great believer in extrapolation, and certainly with only three years of data. All I can tell you is...this has been the coolest winter we’ve had since I’ve been in Thailand. Thomas Jefferson, in 1799, said the snows weren’t as deep as they were when he was a child. What did that mean, weather-wise? It meant...there wasn’t as much snow in 1799 as there had been a few decades earlier. That’s all it meant. And Jefferson never even thought that he could change the climate. He wasn’t nearly that dumb.

 Incidentally, because of freezing weather, Mr. Trump’s inauguration had to be moved inside. Biden’s inauguration in 2021 was held outside.  Shouldn’t the weather have warmed up a little in four years?

Subscribe to my substacks: “Mark It Down! (, and “Mark It Down! Bible Substack” ( for Founding Fathers, current events, history, Christian evidences, etc. Both free. Follow me on “X”:  @thailandmkl. Read my western novels, Whitewater , River Bend,  Return to River Bend, and Allie’s Dilemma all available on Amazon.  

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