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Why Leftism Fails: An Historical Study, Part Two

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AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Let me continue this series on the Persian empire based upon the words of historian Will Durant (see article one in this series).

Again, we must study history to determine what works.  If we practice what has succeeded in the past, we will see true “progress”—not just by following the good, but by rejecting the bad, the mistakes countless generations before us have made.  But Leftists want to revise history.  Notice what they are doing with our own.


According to the liberal “scholar,” the Founding Fathers were not great men who built a solid foundation for a successful country.  They were “terrorists,” “elitists,” “racists,” “slave owners,” who oppressed other people and exploited resources for their own selfish aggrandizement.  Leftism must tear down in order to build up what they want. Condemnation of the men who established this country is absolutely essential to create the revolutionary society that the modern leftist wishes to construct.  And yet, it was the very principles our Founding Fathers established for America that allow the Leftist to do what he does—the Leftist would never have been able to do, before our Founders, what he is doing now!  The king/emperor would never have permitted it.  Not only is Leftism as an ideology inherently erroneous and evil, it is also full of crass historical deceptions and personal hypocrisy. Why are we flabbergasted that liberals despise our Founders and the Constitution?  They have to in order to achieve what they are trying to accomplish.

One of the most important institutions in all of history is the family.  If one studies the longest sustaining empires the world has ever known, he will always find, at the bottom, a strong family foundation.  Persia had it.  Rome had it.  China had (and has) it (Confucius:  “The foundation of society is a disciplined individual in a disciplined family”).  Japan had it.  Egypt had it.  They endured because no empire, no building can long survive without a strong foundation.  But look at what Leftism, and its child feminism, have done to the American family.  The family is not sacred to these people; they don’t even know what a family is if they think that homosexuals can get “married” or that men can become women.  But the point I’m making is, Leftists do not look back and see what has been successful and build upon it.  


The Leftist doesn’t care about the past; its lessons are only there to be revised to meet certain ends that the Leftist has in mind—always self-centered and power-oriented.  They condemn the slavery practiced by the Founders (without even attempting to understand its historical context), but enslave others with government totalitarian power and the sexual mutilation of children, who are now trapped forever in a non-procreative, submissive lifestyle.  And they have murdered, by the millions, those who refuse to submit or don’t agree with their “utopian” dream.  So family, religion, culture, tradition, economics are there for the acceptance or—mostly—rejection as whim and power-creation dictate.  Indiscriminate change, not preservation and building upon the successes of the past, is the watchword.  And while some change, from time to time, is obviously necessary, it must always, and only, be constructed on the virtues and principles that both God and history teach direct us to success.  

Let me ask a question.  When was the last time you heard a Leftist praise hard work?  Get off your lazy backside and get out and get a job?  Have you ever heard Joe Biden talk convincingly about self-discipline, self-sacrifice, frugality, and honor?  He can’t.  He doesn’t believe in those things and never practices them.  They are conservative, historical, religious values!  When do you everhear a Democrat praise the nuclear family or the church, or express consternation and grave concern over the breakdown of the American family and the loss of the morality that underpins a self-controlled life?  You NEVER hear Leftists talk of these things for the simple reason that they do not believe in them.  They reject the lessons of the past because they think they are smart enough to lead their lives, and rule others, without them.  And so, Leftism attempts social engineering—a restructuring of society on the basis of modern materialistic humanist reasoning, with no attempt to imbibe the lessons the ancients have been trying to teach us for centuries.  


Folks, it is not the least bit surprising, to an historian, that the more liberal this country has become, the more we see the moral foundations collapsing, the family being destroyed, our economic system in tatters, and our leaders becoming—have become—corrupt, wasteful, irresponsible, immoral curs.  Men who think they can create without standing upon the wise shoulders of those who have gone before, without learning from the past, are the most arrogant, and dangerous, people in existence.  We live in a sex-saturated, pleasure-oriented, utterly selfish society today, resting on the laurels and hard work of those who have gone before us.  And there is nobody more self-indulgent than a Leftist politician.  That’s where his political power comes from.  Indeed, it is in the interest of power-craving Leftists, and his government, that people not be self-reliant, moral, and industrious, because if they were, what would they need government and Democrats for?  

And yet, the Leftist has the unmitigated gall to call himself “progressive.” There is nothing “progressive” about dragging people into a dung heap.

If this country—if any individual—wants true progress, they’ll start by looking back.  To history.  See what happened in days of yore.  Learn those qualities that lead to growth and achievement and mimic them.  And reject with disdain those human attributes of folly and vice that can only lead to poverty and despair.  Modern Leftism has failed, and will fail, every time because of its unwillingness to do this.  


I shall examine the second portion of Will Durant’s quote in the next installment of this series.

Are you watching my “Rise of Leftism” historical survey on my substack  You don’t want to miss it or more articles on Leftism, our Founding Fathers, and true freedom, along with Biblical studies.  Follow me on Twitter:  @thailandmkl.   Read my western novels, Whitewater , River Bend,  Return to River Bend, and Allie’s Dilemma all available on Amazon.  

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