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The Democratic Party Needs Societal Chaos

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AP Photo/Evan Vucci

In recent years, we have witnessed constant attempts to deceive the American people by the “Deep State” (mainly the Democratic Party).  Climate change, Trump Russian collusion, the January 6 “insurrection,” transgenderism, racism, the economy, the Covid vaccine—what have they not lied about? And lying is evil. Can anything be done about this non-stop onslaught of moral degradation in our society?


Unfortunately, we will never, ever completely eradicate evil from the human heart or an organized society. There is some malevolence inside all of us, as well as some good. There are degrees of this, however; some people ARE better than others (Jesus), some people ARE more malicious (Biden). Regardless of degrees, totally removing evil from society is a practical impossibility.

But we can try. We should try. We must try. And we must do a whole lot better at cleaning up our civilization than we are doing at present. And many good people are indeed making supreme efforts to elevate our culture from the slimy sewer it has sunk into.  

But the forces arrayed against us are strong, very strong. And legion.

The biggest problem with removing evil from American culture and what’s left of decent civilization is, quite frankly, the Democratic Party. Their mantra calls evil good, and good evil, and it is imperative, for them, that they have as much human depravity as possible. That is the source of the Democrats’ political power. The reason is simple:  the more vice in a society, the more government necessary to “protect” against it, and that means more power and control for self-anointed elites who consider themselves of higher intelligence and morally superior to the cake-eating deplorables. And if there is anything the modern Democratic Party craves above all, it is power, control, and thus more government. Hence, they need more chaos.


A virtuous society can get by with a limited amount of government. That was the plan of the Founding Fathers of America. As James Madison wrote, “If all men were angels, we wouldn’t need government.” People who take care of themselves and their families, work hard, live honorable lives, and help their fellow citizens hardly need much government to tell them what to do.  But, alas, all men are not angels, and thus some government will always be necessary, to a greater or lesser degree, based on how righteous and noble its citizens are, and how well they “govern” themselves. You see, folks, to the great men who founded this country, “self-government” is not Washington, D.C.; self-government is citizens governing themselves, controlling themselves, conquering themselves in harmony with the laws of their Creator. A society of excellence CAN be produced if citizens will use their freedom to cultivate virtuous behavior. Then, less government will be required.

But this is the very antithesis of modern Leftism. Instead of urging people to live upright, godly lives, modern liberals encourage as much evil, debauchery, and hedonism as possible. They never work to limit such behavior. For example, they make no attempt to halt “gun violence,” except to politicize it and thus ban such weapons and deprive the virtuous of self-defense—thereby encouraging even more crime and chaos. They need moral degeneration to expand and flourish in order to create more government. But in their deformed vision of a “good” society, government doesn’t protect against evil, it actually promotes such debauchery against the virtuous who oppose it; George Floyd becomes the hero. These Leftists literally lust to dominate government, and often become vicious when they are unable to do so, almost always coupled with an unreasonableness and irrationality shockingly, often frighteningly, beyond the comprehension of honorable, normal-thinking people. How many times have you read about some radical leftist mutant doing something that is completely outside your ability to even imagine, something your wildest nightmares couldn’t concoct? Like child mutilation. But there it is—on TV, reported and defended by MSNBC and the Democratic Party. Power does that to people, and it’s power the Democrats crave. They need crime and decadence so that society needs government and thus needs them. How despicable can you get?


Our Founders understood that government power and human freedom are opposites. Some government power is necessary to protect freedoms, but the only place government can get power is from the people. Government obtains power either by the consent of the governed (the people “freely” giving them some but controlling and limiting the amount), or by force, like Communist China. But this desire for power is why Democrats must restrict virtuous freedom until they have cowered the population into total submission. Honorable people take care of themselves, don’t harm others, and are thus the very converse of totalitarian government—and the modern Democratic Party. It is why liberals absolutely hate the family and religion, and are hell-bent on destroying both. People must have no higher allegiance and obedience than to Leftists as they exercise power through the state.

Evil. It is what the Democratic Party lives for, to create as much malevolence, chaos, and immorality as possible, to unscrupulously, knowingly, deliberately, and endlessly deceive to convince unsuspecting people that more government is necessary, and to make as many serfs as possible. And Biden has even imported millions more. Those who oppose must be silenced. Just look at the worst, most depraved cities in America. Every one of them is run by a Democrat. And they are doing absolutely nothing about it, except trying to make it worse. This isn’t an accident. It is perfectly in harmony with their godless, totalitarian vision of society.


A populace that refuses to control itself always means more, and bigger, government. And thus, less freedom. Or, in the Left’s warped philosophy, more government to protect the depravity that gives them power.

And that is the modern Democratic Party. And too much of the Republican. Call it what it is—pure evil. With fewer and fewer to stand in the gap against it. 

Are you watching my “Rise of Leftism” historical survey on my substack mklewis929.substack.com? You don’t want to miss it or more articles on Leftism, our Founding Fathers, and true freedom, along with Biblical studies. Follow me on Twitter: @thailandmkl. Read my western novels, Whitewater , River Bend,  Return to River Bend, and Allie’s Dilemma all available on Amazon.  

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