It’s a thing of beauty to see that our young men are turning so hard toward the hard-core right-wing. In fact, they are much more right-wing as 20-year-olds than the current crop of 75-year-olds is as doddering ancients. But that’s understandable because the 75-year-olds were the hippie boomers who generally screwed up everything. The 20-year-olds were the victims of the boomers. We should celebrate the awakening of young males against the woke and the groovy idiocy of their forbearers. With the election of Donald Trump, these guys discovered their power when they flexed their muscles. Retribution is coming for the boomers and others who kept them down. And I say this is a guy born in the last week of the Baby Boom.
Why are young men so right-wing? Because they’ve been treated like crap. Imagine yourself as a normal young man. When, throughout your whole life, have you ever been told you were anything besides dirt? When have you ever been in an institution that masculine males ran? It’s almost certain that you never have been. Your whole life has been organized, supervised, and surveilled by scolding feminist harridans and their insipid femboy sidekicks who hold you in contempt.
You went to preschool, kindergarten, elementary, and high school, and who ran it? Primarily leftist women and women–adjacent men. You were told to sit and be still four hours a day when every instinct in your body told you to run and jump. When you were active, they drugged you. They hovered over you, micromanaging your childhood. You were told how you could play. No toy guns, no toy weapons. Oh gosh, no toxic masculinity. Here, have a doll, explore your feminine side. No wonder a portion of boys just gave in and became the (fake) girls they had been told society really wanted them to be.
Men build and men destroy. But you can’t do either in these institutions. What do you build in school? Shop classes are gone. You’re not going to be able to learn to fix a car in auto class. No, you sit there all day and read books about how you’re terrible because your grandfather came from Glasgow. It’s all your fault, you know. All the world‘s problems are on you because of who you are. And if you complain, they tell you to stop trying to center the narrative on yourself by expecting to be treated equally.
And you can’t destroy either, even though destruction is a critical part of what it means to be a man. A man must be ready to fight. If you can’t, you’re not really a man. But look at schools today. If some bully starts pushing you around, and you turn around and drop him with a right cross to the jaw – which is absolutely the appropriate response to bullies – you’re going to be prosecuted just as hard as the actual bully. Maybe more – defending yourself indicates independent thought and that’s got to be stamped out. Instead of being celebrated as a hero – and every man worth his salt wants to be a hero – you will be vilified for doing what your nature tells you to do, that is, protecting yourself and others from violent threats.
No, these institutions expect you to outsource your manhood to alleged professionals with badges, but the idea of the police was never to substitute for your rightto and obligation of self-defense in defense of others. Yet the feminine institutions that oppress you as a young man seek to do that. If you can defend yourself, you have power. If you shoot guns, you have power. If you’re strong, you have power. And the whole purpose of the establishment is to ensure young men have no power.
They deny every urge you have to strive for glory. They beat you down. Look at their reading lists. It’s all about girl bosses and feelings. Are there out books there about heroes? Are there books about achievement in the face of adversity? Where are the stories of warriors? That’s what history is, not some narrative of serving wenches and commie nonsense about 1619. Your true history, your heritage, is a king raising his sword, pointing it to the line of invading barbarians, and screaming “Charge!” as he leads thousands of Christian knights to victory.
What are young men left with? Can they find suitable mates? No. A whole different set of lies has deluded the poor women who they would once romance and marry. They’ve been told they’re supposed to be girlbosses from watching TV shows where a 110-pound waif body slams a 300-pound thug. They’ve been told they can do it all, and then they reach 40 and realize the alarm on their biological clocks went off long ago. They’ve been lied to as well.
One of those lies is that the attention of young men is akin to harassment. Not all young women believe that. Like young men, some resist the lies of the establishment, but the fact is young single women are much more leftist than any other group. They have no love in their lives, so they embrace the fake empathy of leftism. They also make it nearly impossible for young men to meet and get to know them. Recently, a young woman on X complained that no men on the subway would give up their seats for her. But you have to ask why a young man would do that. He’s been told not that women are equal but that women are the same. The concept of chivalry has been rendered toxic. You can’t very well expect to reap the benefits of a cultural arrangement like chivalry without meeting its obligations. The fact is that chivalry recognizes that men are physically stronger and must protect and defend women, but if you reject that concept, you can’t have chivalry. You better enjoy standing on the subway, opening your own doors, and buying your own dinner. And you better enjoy protecting and supporting yourself too.
You can’t have a system of rights and duties where you hog the rights and forgo the duties. But for young men, it’s all duties. They have a duty to accept abuse. They have a duty to be silent. They have a duty to give up their opportunities in favor of people from preferred demographics. Did you know that no young white male born after 1984 has been published as a fiction writer in the New Yorker? Now, that’s not to say there are no opportunities for writers of pallor – my manly bestsellers are potent proof of that – but when you completely excludea group of people from the benefits of society, it seems bizarre that you somehow expect them to sacrifice for that same society.
Many of them withdraw to a world of pot, video games, and solitary onanism. What does it say that so many young men prefer the cold erotic companionship of computer monitor pixels to taking the risk of rejection and accusation by flesh and blood women?
Men sense the injustice, and they are correct. They’ve been betrayed and wronged. But now they’re going to make it right. They’ve realized that they have power. They realized that they don’t have to take it. The establishment didn’t realize what was happening, and now it’s too late. America’s right-wing male youth is going to exact its vengeance, and it’s going to be glorious.
Follow Kurt on Twitter @KurtSchlichter. Get the newest volume in the Kelly Turnbull People’s Republic series of conservative action novels set in America after a notional national divorce, the bestselling Amazon #1 Military Thriller, Overlord! And get his new novel about terrorism in America, The Attack!