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To Keep Winning, America First Must Leverage the Power of Information Operations

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of
Photo/Alex Brandon

One of the glorious parts of the campaign that Trump 2.0 is prosecuting against the Deep State is the unprecedented way it exploits the Internet and high technology to take on what’s essentially a mid–20th century government leviathan. After all, it’s come out that the government's flunky retirements are handled on paper in a limestone cavern, and that Treasury is still running some of its systems on COBOL. Now, I’m not a computer geek, having kissed a girl, but I remember COBOL was a thing when I was in college, and when I was in college, A Flock of Seagulls was a thing.


Moreover, the movement is leveraging outside talent, like X folk hero and heroine @oilfield_rando and @datarepublican, who use their knowledge and technology to interrogate and expose the hidden misdeeds of the Deep State. This is great stuff. This has to be encouraged. There are not just a few dozen or hundreds or even thousands of these kinds of savants out there. There are tens of thousands of more people who have the skills to conduct decentralized operations to support the administration’s war on the Institutions that have made war on us. The Democrats flirted with this kind of mobilization of outside assets to do evil – there were groups of psychopaths who made it their point to hunt down innocent Americans for the crime of protesting on January 6, and it’s hilarious that all the efforts have come to nothing thanks to President Trump delivering justice through the pardons.

This is an information battle as much as anything else – knowledge is power, and fast knowledge is superpower. We are trying to do a few things with information. The most important is to find and identify problems. That’s one of the things DOGE is doing with its algorithms – uncovering the hidden problems within the system. But there are other problems out there that aren’t hidden in the code. Tyrannical bureaucrats hassling patriots and defying the president, for example. While we can’t identify and solve every single injustice out there, we can make a systemic impact by publicly highlighting and correcting selected problems. In other words, if we find something going on that’s symbolic, we publicize it, and then we crush the wrongdoer – loudly and unequivocally.


What does this accomplish? It helps the individual patriot, of course, and that’s important. But it also shows other potential resister bureaucrats what happens if the proverbial Eye of Sauron falls upon them. They will realize that there is a non-zero chance that, at worst, they go to jail, or they might lose their pension, or, at best, they might find themselves counting igloos in Nome, Alaska.

But there’s another equally important part of this. Every time the administration comes down like a ton of bricks on some out-of-control pencil pusher out in the field, our side understands that we have won. We put a W on the board. Our morale builds. We see President Trump’s promises being kept. We see that there is hope. We see that there is the potential to improve things. And we see that justice is done. The benefits, like helping the victims and terrifying the government flunkies, are important, but this is really an exercise in morale. It makes people understand that their work reelecting Donald Trump was worth it. He earns their trust.

Now, the administration itself is too busy to sweep the Internet looking for outrageous issues to spotlight. This is a job best done by outsiders. It doesn’t take resources away from the official tasks and gives outside folks a way to make a difference. Plus, leveraging outside support gives the administration a huge combat power advantage. The Internet, combined with technology, allows motivated people to use these assets to maximize the ability of the administration to keep moving fast and to react quickly. As a movement, we should formalize this operation. We should have a formal structure that provides a clearinghouse for information for the administration but outside the administration and not subject to Freedom of Information Act requirements and other regulations. It should be a central point of assembly for information from outsiders who want to help, whether by reporting information or gathering it proactively.


What does this all mean? 

Let’s look at my personal favorite of all the departments, the Department of Defense – at least until we change it back to what it should be, the Department of War. The DOD is the biggest of the departments, and there are other factors that make it perfect for this kind of operation. It has a hierarchical chain of command, which gives leaders enormous powers over subordinates – and where there is enormous power, there’s enormous potential for abusing that power. There’s also the secrecy and confidentiality that tends to surround the military – the first rule of the military is don’t talk about the military. This allows abusers to hide their abuse. And there’s been a lot of abuse. I’ve been inundated with service members who claim to have suffered horrible persecution at the hands of their chain of command – COVID pogroms are just one example. No doubt some claims are exaggerated or even false, and that’s why one of the most important tasks for the working group I’m advocating is to screen those out. But there are plenty of real examples of toxic leadership, racial and sexual bigotry under the DEI banner, gross incompetence, and outright corruption. You probably didn’t hear about the Fat Leonard scandal, but a bunch of admirals were taking a bunch of money and hookers from a contractor. If the investigation wasn’t so unprofessional and incompetent, we might’ve seen some very senior people in striped uniforms turning big rocks into little ones. There is waste with money flushed down the toilet. There is arbitrary and obnoxious hassling of service members for demonstrating traditional values. Did you know that in one command, the leadership refused to give command slots to Christians because Christian values weren’t in line with the DEI party line? 


That happened. It needs to unhappen. We need to spot that garbage and nuke the site from orbit.

Maybe there’s a chaplain at some Air Force Base who can’t mention Jesus because that’s “not inclusive.” Perhaps a soldier is being passed through an elite training course based on race or some other nonsense so the generals can point to a token Green Beret. Maybe $10 million of brand-new generators is just sitting there, rusting. All those are entirely plausible, but we’ll never know about them unless we go looking for them. Once we go looking for them, we’ll find them on chat boards, social media, or even through tips.

That’s just an example of one of the many structures we must build within the America First movement to keep this all going past January 20, 2029. For so long, we invested in institutions that held seminars and wrote white papers, and there’s a place for that. Those institutions were critical in preparing for the Deep State takeover under Trump 2.0. But that’s not all there is. We need to harness the limitless potential and talents of our America First base. Of course, since USAID is getting a stake driven through its shriveled heart, it will not fund itself. We need our America First visionaries with a few bucks to invest in infrastructure that will allow us to keep the fight alive. Now, let’s hope we can find some people to write the checks – I’m not worried about finding people eager to do the job.


President Trump and his administration are winning the information battle and we must keep winning. Help Townhall continue to report on their success and fight back against the radical left by joining Townhall VIP today. Get exclusive access to Kurt's weekly VIP column, the Stream of Kurtiousness video series, and, of course, his VIP podcast! All uncensored! Use promo code KURT at checkout to get 60% off!

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