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I Have a ‘Signal’ for the Democrats

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AP Photo/Richard Drew, File

During the 2016 election, the American people became aware of the fact that the Democrat Party’s nominee Hillary Clinton had previously during her time as Secretary of State under Barack Obama, used an unencrypted, unsecured private e-mail server that she had installed in her residence.  She used this server to conduct official business, including the sending and receiving of classified information.


Anyone who knows anything about secured and encrypted government communication systems knows that they are incompatible with private systems.  In other words, one simply cannot forward a message from the government system to a non-government system. It’s not possible.   

The only way that the classified messages that were found on Hillary’s private server could have been sent would have been for Hillary herself (or an aide), to ‘copy and paste,’ or scan a message from her encrypted government system, then place it onto her private server and then send the information that way—a clear violation of multiple government regulations and federal criminal statutes controlling the handling of classified information.

That it was even done indicates a complete disregard for government rules and regulations for the handling of classified information and conducting business involving official government communications on the part of Hillary Clinton and her staff.  They simply didn’t care, or they felt that the rules are only for the ‘little people.’  ‘Little people’ who would have been thrown in jail for doing something similar.

It’s a certainty that our enemies were intercepting these unencrypted communications between Hillary in her position as Secretary of State and other senior members of the administration, including even the then President of the United States Barack Obama.   Our enemies were reading our mail at the highest levels.


In addition to her ‘cavalier’ approach towards the handling of classified information, Hillary Clinton also instructed her staff to purposefully destroy Blackberry devices which were under subpoena by smashing them with hammers, as well as having her computer hard drive permanently erased using a ‘bleach bit’ program—clearly attempts to obstruct justice.  The fact that the U.S. Justice Department chose not to prosecute her was at the time was unconscionable.

In recent weeks it has come out that from January 20, 2021 until President Trump was sworn in on January 20th of this year, the office of President of the United States was filled by an ‘autopen.’  Joe Biden was simply incapable of handling his responsibilities to serve as the nation’s Chief Executive.  Biden’s senior aides, cabinet officials, and even his wife Doctor Jill Biden lied to the American people about Joe Biden’s ability to meet the demands of the Office of the President.  They, along with a complicit news media, covered up his incapacity for four years.

So what were the results of these two examples of Democrats being in charge of our national security? Four dead Americans and multiple wounded in Benghazi, and 13 American service members killed along with dozens wounded in Afghanistan, not to mention the countless American citizens left behind when the Taliban retook the country.


And Democrats have the temerity to call for the resignations of senior Trump administration officials over this recent ‘Signal’ mishap?  An inadvertent error – which is still under investigation to find out exactly how it happened – that resulted only in a successful military operation against Houthi terrorists operating in Yemen.  No American lives were lost, nor any even wounded.  No military equipment or materiel was damaged or lost, or left behind like the billions in military weapons systems and munitions left behind in Afghanistan.

I find it really pretty bold for the Democrats and their allies in the news media to criticize the Trump administration over this mishap.  Whatever the result ends up being of the investigation into what happened, I’m pretty certain that this type of accident is one that will never happen again.  Unlike the Democrats, the members of the Trump administration learn from any mistakes, they correct them and put them behind them, and then move on.  They certainly don’t try to cover them up or hide them from the American people, as has been the common practice of the Democrats for decades.

So here’s a signal to the Democrats criticizing the Trump administration and calling for people to be fired or resign: Where were you when Hillary Clinton was violating countless regulations and the law?  Where were you when Joe Biden was falling down and obviously incapable of serving?


As hard as you try to stop President Trump and the outstanding team of people he has surrounded himself with, they will persevere.  Your little pinprick attacks will have no impact in deterring this administration from the important work that is underway.

President Trump was given a mandate by the American people, and he is carrying out their will.  The signal I have for the Democrats is that they are simply no longer relevant. 

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