Nancy Pelosi is an assassin, killing politicians all over Washington, DC. Her “taking out” of Joe Biden was more efficient than a sex scandal. It didn’t matter, she got away with it. Now she’s going after Chuck Schumer, slowing and just in case, because she has her priorities and nothing ranks higher on that list than her own self-interests do. She loves stabbing Democrats in the back, and I’m here for it.
You can never really pinpoint the exact moment someone becomes a horrible person, but for Nancy I assume it was around the time that house fell on her sister.
You don’t get to be in a position of leadership in Congress because you’re really nice and help people, you buy their support through building a massive base of rich donors whose money you can spread around to elect the people from whom you need the support. It’s a house of cards – the money stops flowing and all the “good will” you bought collapses.
Nancy has been sitting on top for decades, and the mountain on which she sits is the bodies of those who stood in her way.
Last year, Nancy added the bodies of Joe and Jill Biden to her collection. Joe didn’t want to go, Jill didn’t want him to go, none of the Biden family members wanted him to go – without Joe in office they had nothing to sell. But he risked a humiliating loss that would have rippled down the ticket and hurt Democrats across the board, threatening Pelosi’s power. Even though she wasn’t technically the “leader” of Democrats in the House, she never actually gave up her power, only the title.
The knock came at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and Joe was gone – Nancy was in and out, the deed was done. You don’t want Nancy Pelosi to knock on your door.
Well, that knock has come again, this time on the door of Chuck Schumer, the leader of Democrats in the Senate.
Normally, the Senate couldn’t give a damn what anyone in the House thinks, even in the same party, and vice versa, so they leave the internal business of each to their respective bodies. Nancy has crossed that line to solidify her grip on power.
The drumbeat for the head of Schumer was coming from the usual suspects, the radicals whose brand is to be displeased and complain all the time. A true leader would’ve stood up to her party, but she’s as terrified of the radical left as every other Democrat. Displease the goon squad and the mob shows up at your town hall and the death threats follow. Even Nancy Pelosi isn’t immune.
She’s always had nose for where the parade is going, then running out in front of it to claim she’d come up with the concept for it. When the natives get restless, Nancy becomes the champion of what she can’t squash. Now she’s going after Chuck.
Does Nancy have the juice to pull off another slaughter? Maybe. For all the problems with Chuck Schumer, what Democrat do you think would be a better leader for the country? Is there a sane Democrat left in Congress?
From a political standpoint, it would help Republicans if Democrats elected some nutjob like Chris Murphy – a lying sack excrement who just left his wife for a much younger Soros-funded left-wing activist. I’m not sure there could be a slimier, less appealing person to lead Democrats. The problem is we have to live in the country where they have a say in what happens in our government. While they’re in the minority, they have influence. Schumer is a nut and a pain, but he’s certainly better than anyone else Democrats could offer, which I realize is like choosing which disease you want to suffer from, but still.
When Nancy the Knife comes creeping around, it’s never a good sign. As she fades into what we all fade into in life, Nancy Pelosi is going to make every effort to say relevant. If she has to destroy Democrats in the process, she will. If she has to destroy American in the process, she will. Chuck today, America tomorrow. Pelosi has her priorities, none of which are good for America or anyone but her.
Derek Hunter is the host of a free daily podcast (subscribe!) and author of the book, Outrage, INC., which exposes how liberals use fear and hatred to manipulate the masses, and host of the weekly “Week in F*cking Review” podcast where the news is spoken about the way it deserves to be. Follow him on Twitter at @DerekAHunter.