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The AP Proves the White House Wise With Its Banishment, and Warning — DOGE Will Lead to Bear Attacks!

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  • The question is how exactly this mistake took place.

Journalists in general would be helped if they followed the maxim, if a story feels a little too good and fits your confirmation of things, that is when you should be skeptical. When it is a story from the AP, that ends up legitimizing why it was sidelined from the White House press pool, you are required to be skeptical.

Such was the case when the AP delivered a report that quoted Tulsi Gabbard as saying that Trump considers he and Vladimir Putin to be “very good friends” and has plans to deepen that relationship. The quote was relatively accurate – the only problem was that it references the wrong leader. It turns out Gabbard was referring to Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India. It is difficult to grasp how that kind of error takes place, but many outlets have had to walk back their reporting on this as a result of the AP correcting things…well after all of the reports already had been made for nearly a full day.

Low-Octane Gaslighting — MSNBC

  • You mean, Joe Scarborough made a declaration that is 180 degrees out of phase with the facts…again?

Joe really needs to quit his Biden addiction. Maybe there is a patch he could wear to wean him off?

For the latest, he was impugning President Trump (yes, again…), this time over allegedly defying court cases, and intimated that it was something Biden had never done.

Except for those pesky historical facts, such as when he defied SCOTUS over extending the evictions moratorium or erasing student loan debt.

Reporting on the Mirror – NATIONAL PUBLIC RADIO

  • Could we be more melodramatic about the minuscule story?!

It was a small yet amusing story when President Trump was giving one of his regular impromptu press visits on the tarmac recently. In the course of fielding questions, a boom mic nudged him in the face. His calm facial reaction to this intrusion was a classic visual.

Since that occurred, the journalist behind the audio assault has been outed – Danielle Kurtzleben of National Public Radio. Since then, it was reported by The Daily Mail that she was exposed by nefarious forces. The outlet declares she had been “named by MAGA,” and since then, she was “driven into hiding.” What this entailed was her making her social media accounts private.

Pulitzer Prize Nomination – CBS NEWS

  • Sounds like they were not paying these rangers enough!

Welcome to our daily entry of government cuts hysteria. For the latest, we turn to Ian Lee of CBS News, who informs us that he is at a national park where the ranger station has been closed due to the layoffs in government agencies. This will lead, naturally, to more dangerous encounters with bears. (And we thought being locked in the bathroom was the worst that could happen!)

The next question is what do we call these attacks: Musk Maulings? DOGE Dismemberments?

BlueAnon – CBS NEWS

  • So, it was un-American when the Democrat Roosevelt did that?

On CBS News, they were desperate to label President Trump as poorly as possible and did so in ridiculous fashion. They brought on a spokesperson from the very biased Brennan Center to declare that what Trump is doing with his recent flight of illegals to El Salvador is as bad if not worse than when we sent Japanese citizens to internment camps.

What makes this so ridiculous is simple – facts. Those internments saw the rounding up of anyone of Japanese extraction, and it involved those who were American citizens. Trump is deporting illegal NON-citizens, most of which were hardened criminals.

But otherwise, exactly the same.


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