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Democratic Custodial Services – VARIOUS OUTLETS
The “Your Lying Eyes” deflection is reaching new levels of desperation.
The videos from the G-7 Summit of a wandering president and the fundraiser this weekend where Joe Biden was clearly seen freezing up on stage before being guided off by Barack Obama continue to bedevil the Democratic Party stable. The days after were filled with campaign officials claiming the videos were fraudulent and we were not seeing what we saw. That is not too surprising from that gaggle.
But then, this pathetic effort crossed over to the press, and now we have multiple journalism sources telling us that it is some dastardly plot to bring down Biden.
- NICOLLE WALLACE – “Highly misleading and selectively-edited videos”
- GLENN KESSLER – “Cheapfake; clipped video”
- NBC NEWS – Even after affirming that these videos have not been altered, still goes on to state they are fakes.
- ONESTPRESS – Uses an edited clip from the fundraiser to supposedly discredit the unedited versions of the same event.
To see supposed journalists dropping to this level of gaslighting and outright lying in order to defend a decrepit Biden is becoming a shameful enterprise.
Prose & Contradiction – NBC NEWS
Blaming deaths on the item you admit was not used is…certainly one way to report the news.
On "The Today Show," Erin McLaughlin delivered a report on a series of shootings this weekend from across the country. Going into full slanderous implication mode, Erin begins her piece with this mention:
A mass shooting at a splash pad in Michigan, another at a Juneteenth celebration in Texas, and yet another at a gathering in Massachusetts, all just days after Friday's Supreme Court ruling that rejects a ban on bump stocks. The weekend shootings come just days after the Supreme Court struck down a Trump-era ban on bump stocks.
My, that seems like an immediate cause-and-effect scenario! The Supreme Court should probably be blamed for this outbreak in gun violence, considering how bump stocks led to this surge in gun crimes! Right?!
Uh, er…no. See, there was absolutely no connection whatsoever between these crimes and the Court ruling. How do we know? Well, Erin manages to tell us this:
The shootings from over the weekend did not involve bump stocks to our knowledge, but experts say if they did they could have been so much worse.
We would guess that experts could have said hand grenades would have caused more carnage and damage as well, but that too is an asinine comment since they were not involved in these cases.
Friends and families are grieving after mass shootings in Michigan, Massachusetts and Texas over the weekend that left at least 2 dead and many others injured, including children. @ErinNBCNews reports on the details.
— TODAY (@TODAYshow) June 17, 2024
What she does not realize is that before Trump, these were the very things Jennifer promoted.
We have not covered much of Jenn Rubin in a while, as the lady has rendered herself so inconsequential it takes something really Rubin-esque to gain notice. Jenny accomplished this in a new opinion where she goes on at length about the horrors promised to be visited upon this land should Trump win the presidency, specifically how the Supreme Court will rule. We are not too clear why its decisions will shift instantly after November, but she promises that the exact same people on the bench today will behave differently overnight and begin imposing oppressive limits on all of the right-to-life issues Jennifer favored just years ago:
If the GOP prevails in the fall, its base will demand Republicans ban it all: contraception, IVF, mifepristone and all other forms of abortion. So be forewarned: If MAGA extremists return power, they and their radical handmaidens on the Supreme Court will not hesitate to create Clarence Thomas’s America.
Jennifer seems unaware that Clarence Thomas' Court just voted unanimously to uphold the availability of the abortion drug.
Opinion by Jennifer Rubin | “Be forewarned: If MAGA extremists return power, they and their radical handmaidens on the Supreme Court will not hesitate to create Clarence Thomas’s America.”
— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) June 17, 2024
Artisanally-Crafted Narratives – NEW YORK MAGAZINE
We are curious what they are evolving from, but that would involve finding out...
It almost appears as if the people who shriek about divisiveness and oppression do not really mean it, given how much division they sow and how oppressive they behave. The press is in a bizarre cycle of going from claiming to protect women while at the same time attacking those who appear inconvenient to their goals.
This article looks at only conservative females and manages to only see problems, calling them subservient beings. The irony is they claim women on the right are slaves to MAGA Nation directives all because they do not follow the directions of leftist feminism. There is also the telling aspect that at the same time that they celebrate the various men who parade around insisting they are female, there is a need to go and attack actual women for being insufficiently female.
For our latest cover story, @rtraister reports on the surprising evolution of the Republican woman — their wrath, sweetness, strength, and subservience to the MAGA right, observed.
— New York Magazine (@NYMag) June 17, 2024
Pathological Media Amnesia – THE NEW REPUBLIC
To be clear, you are against the government telling you to do something?
By way of explanation, when it came to masking, we have always been on the side of choice. We opposed the mandated wearing of the useless facial shields, and we do not condone the government banning the wearing of one if someone desires to do so. The press seems remarkably conflicted on the whole mask issue, as well as mandates.
We recall when Governor Ron DeSantis rescinded mask requirements in Florida and was called a "fascist" for doing so. He was called an authoritarian in the press for…giving people a choice.
Now, we see a similar paradox playing out, as those who were loudly in favor of the government mandating people wear a mask are upset when in New York the government is mandating people cannot wear masks.
New York Inches Closer to Police State with Bonkers Proposed Rule
— The New Republic (@newrepublic) June 14, 2024