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The People Who Never Grew Up

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Democratic National Convention via AP

Many Democrats show the immaturity of people who were never forced to grow up.

Many good war movies include a scene of soldiers passing in opposite directions. The first group looks tired, numb, and broken. They usually have beards, bandages, and a funereal air about them. Coming in the other direction are fresh recruits with clean uniforms and polished weapons. The wise ones from the latter group understand that those returning from the front line have knowledge and experience that no boot camp will ever give them. Sure, they learned how to handle weapons and fight. But they never saw their buddies blown up or had to kill an enemy hand-to-hand. The whole concept behind the Navy’s Top Gun school and the Air Force’s Red Flag exercises was that if a pilot or crew has survived ten engagements, their likelihood of making it through a war goes up significantly.


As I write these words, Israeli lefties are passing by our house with silly ditties and Israeli flags. One is always underwhelmed with the rhyming skills of the permanent protesters. Traffic again was backed up and several people coming to a family event simply arrived an hour late. One looks at protesters and politicians on the left and often concludes that he is looking at immature people who have never grown up. Age has no relationship to maturity. I have met young children who have had rough starts in their lives, and they have the wisdom of fifty-year-olds. I have also met older folks who never grew up and who never faced life challenges that forced them to be mature. And when I see those on the left, the first thing that comes to mind is oversized children. In our home near Chicago, there was one ironclad rule: don’t touch someone else's belongings. Many people are taught the same, whether their homes are religiously observant or not. What isn’t yours is not for you to take or use without permission. Yet, when we see people torching or scratching Tesla cars belonging to people other than themselves, we see a privileged group of people who missed this very basic rule for life: keep your hands to yourself. Now, they will claim that Elon Musk is such a threat to humanity that they have no choice but to act. This justification is like that of any child who explains after the fact why he beat his little sister or took Dad’s car for a spin.


One Tesla owner was given a list of sins related to his car. Among the “checklist” were the following:

*Billionaires shouldn’t exist

*Trans people won’t be erased

*Illegally ugly: your car looks like a dumpster

*For this price, you could have fed 5,000+ hungry kids

Where should we begin? Most billionaires become the same through some type of business success. And their success generally does not occur in a vacuum but instead relates to their producing products and/or services that lots and lots of people want. Steve Jobs was a billionaire, and today, several billion people own iPhones. Bill Gates made his fortune by providing software to the burgeoning world of computers. Sam Walton's Walmart is the go-to store for millions of Americans.  Many billionaires are political allies of the person who left his list on a Tesla car. If billionaires didn’t exist, we would be living in a less enjoyable and successful world. Look at countries where billionaires are not allowed to exist, and you will see that they produce nothing useful.

Trans people—well, they don’t exist. You are dealing with pure fantasy until one can convert the DNA associated with 30 trillion cells from XX to XY or vice-versa. Sure, one can be given drugs and go under the knife for purely cosmetic surgery. One can be made to look more male or female, but in the end, trans is a mental issue and not one of reality.


I have been able to drive two Tesla models, including the Cybertruck. Elon Musk’s cars are truly amazing. And while the Cybertruck has its own vibe, his more traditional cars are sleek and beautifully engineered. The person who left the note would not know how to fold a paper airplane.

And finally, feeding the poor! Such a claim could be made against anybody doing anything other than feeding the poor. “You bought an airplane ticket? You could have fed the poor!” “You got a new, better refrigerator? You could have kept the old one and fed the poor!” Most people on the right, being more religiously active than their left-leaning peers, give charity. They can have a car and help others at the same time. What a crazy concept.

The more I read about and see members of the left, the more I feel that we are witnessing permanent adolescence. I remember reading an article that discussed Yale and other schools having safe spaces with cookies and coloring books. Those on the left were either never forced to grow up or are so well-off that they have the luxury of not having to grow up. AOC bounces around at her political events; Bernie Sanders talks socialism before he retreats to his lake house. Many do not have the luxury of being unserious. Before being shot, President Trump went through business challenges that cost him millions. Elon Musk did not grow up in great wealth but has created a string of companies that are making our lives better. Go watch how he bounced back from numerous exploding rockets before he achieved success. JD Vance came from Appalachian poverty. People who have faced challenges and failed, have known what being poor is, and/or have had to deal with difficult issues don’t have the luxury of not growing up. There are people who from a young age had to earn money to keep the family’s lights on. Simply, many people do not have the luxury of being overgrown children. Democrats, or at least many of their most fervent left-leaning members, apparently do have that luxury. They don’t want to go to the office; they want endless US money to keep funding their existence. They see all property as communal so that they have the right to make a swastika on someone else’s car. Tim Walz can take great pleasure in Tesla stock dropping, wiping out retirement wealth for millions of Americans. Who cares about their futures?


Donald Trump and his associates have come to help adult Americans who have had to deal with fentanyl, a wide-open border, high food and gas prices, disappearing factories, lousy schools and a weakened military. Most Republican voters live real lives and don’t have the trust fund or other luxuries to remain children all of their lives. Democrats are moving to the AOC wing, and we will witness for years to come silliness and a lack of seriousness and gravitas from the party that provided us with a presidential candidate who could not coherently complete a sentence. Remaining a kid forever is a luxury; for many Democrats without a program, it’s a necessity. 

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