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Builders vs. Destroyers

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of
Townhall/Katie Pavlich

Palestinian terrorists and their Western sympathizers don’t know how to build or contribute anything to society; they take their pleasure in destroying things that others have created.


On the one hand, I feel sorry for the Europeans. I am sure that there are many in the EU who do not like the present direction of their countries. They don’t feel safe in parts of their big cities. They do not like having streets blocked off for mass Muslim prayers. They wonder if their countries will retain their unique British, Irish, Dutch, French, etc. history and ways that go back generations. On the other hand, the Europeans deserve what they got. For years, the geniuses at the EU had endless debates about whether Hamas and Hezbollah were terrorist organizations or aid groups. You see, while Hamas was blowing up buses and cafes, they had this one social service office at the end of a nameless street in Gaza City. The Europeans were torn: on the one hand, Hamas was blowing people out of this world. On the other hand, they did help the poor every now and then, so maybe they’re not all bad. The same demented reasoning was applied to the Lebanese terror group, Hezbollah.

When I saw pictures of a defaced Trump property in Scotland, I realized that the Palestinians, their supporters and Muslims more generally have not contributed all that much to modern society. Yes, cities like Dubai are modern wonders, but the ones who riot on campus or deface landmarks and private property: what have they given mankind? And the big, fat answer is bupkis (nothing in Yiddish). I have never liked those charts showing a zillion Jewish Nobel laureates to 2.5 Muslim winners; it’s as dumb as showing how many black basketball players versus Jewish hoopsters. But in the end, the ones who attack Tesla owners or threaten Jews with a “global intifada” are one-way sponges. They have given nothing to mankind. They contribute nothing to making this a better world. They enjoy the fruits of others’ labors, especially if they live in the West: great clothing, electronics, flights, cars, etc. But they and their societies give back nothing. The Palestinians themselves demand that all of the land “from the river to the sea” be given to them. Give them the globe and they will contribute nothing to making the world better but will instead fight clan against clan. Israel, with its sliver of land, has made products in every electronic product you own, as well as drugs that you might need or military hardware that keeps you safe.


One of the great features of modern societies is material progress. If you look at a painting from 1400 and another one from 1500, the differences in life depicted might be pretty small. Same for 1500 to 1600. But if you looked at a painting from 1900 and a photograph from 2000, it would seem that you are looking at two different planets. How many revolutions took place during those years? Flight. Nuclear energy and power. Space travel. Rapid communication. Medicine, hygiene and life expectancy. And on and on. If you look at certain other cultures, a picture today would look more or less like a painting from the 7th century, the difference being a Toyota Hilux with a .50 caliber machine gun in the back. I am certain that you can buy an iPhone in Islamabad and get a deal on a Tesla in Amman. But nothing in those technical marvels will have its origin in those places. So while you have the makers in the West and China, you have the users in countries like Russia and Pakistan, and then you have the destroyers such as Hamas, Hezbollah, and their pampered friends in the West.

Look at the “Just Stop Oil” clowns. Wherever they protest, they arrive at their destination via fossil fuels—either in gas-burning cars or coal-generated electricity-using vehicles. Their clothes are made from oil byproducts, and their smartphones are produced with huge amounts of fossil fuels. AI and crypto demand an enormous amount of energy, and much of it comes from the things they think are icky: coal, oil, natural gas and nuclear power. As I said, they are one-way sponges. They take what others have invented and produced and give back nothing but kvetching and destruction.


There are those who posit that the rise of violent Islam is in part due to its perceived impotence in light of the massive strides forward made in the West in the past five decades. Bin Laden sure knew how to use modern civilian airliners to smash into glass and steel towers to kill thousands. But in the end, besides the thrill they had in showing the U.S. a thing or two, did they progress? Did they give the world anything positive beyond long TSA lines and billions of hours and dollars wasted checking granny’s water bottle for explosives? I don’t know if Islam is incapable of contributing to the world’s progress. There is no question that in ages long ago, Islamic scholars and countries were on the cutting edge of the world’s knowledge. But it’s like me reminding all of my friends that the Bears won the Super Bowl in 1986. There comes a point where you want a more recent update. And like the Bears, when was the last time that there was an Islamic country or university that was an academic powerhouse? Sure, I know of one Harvard chemist who won a Nobel Prize, but again, when was the last time Islamic scholars were the ones explaining the wonders of nature or producing amazing new inventions for a better life? Hundreds of years ago, at best.

A long time ago, my in-laws fixed up their apartment, which was right over our own. One morning, a fellow came with a sledgehammer and began to knock down the existing inner walls. When I came back from the university, he had finished destroying all that needed to be removed. The new construction from that point forward took three weeks. Such it is in our world. They can attack Elon Musk because he is working to expose the fraud that has funded the left for decades. They can throw red paint on a Trump property because they are angry that he wants to make America a better country for its regular citizens. They can threaten Israel, the only democracy between India and Europe. They can wish evil on the Jews, the one people who have contributed more to the world and its culture and progress well in excess of their numbers. There are those who create and give to the world. There are those who only know how to demand and take. Nothing useful will ever come from Hamas or its supporters. They feel that they are owed, and people who think like that are never satisfied and are never happy.


The people who sprayed red paint on Donald Trump’s property no doubt feel quite proud of themselves. “We showed him!” they think. But they are the ultimate losers. The place will be cleaned up and they will remain the ones who contribute nothing to this world.

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